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Leaves of Grass

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-30 17:41
  • 签到天数: 1 天

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       When Walt Whitman self-published his Leaves of Grass in July 1855, he altered the course  of literary history. One of the greatest masterpieces of American literature, it redefined the rules of  poetry while describing the soul of the American character.
       Throughout his great career, Whitman continuously revised, expanded, and republished Leaves  of Grass, but as Harold Bloom reminds us, the book that matters most is the 1855 original. In  celebration of the poem's 150th anniversary, Penguin Classics proudly presents the 1855 text in its  original and complete form, with a specially commissioned introductory essay by Harold  Bloom.
       I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
       And what I assume you shall assume,
       For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
       "Whitman, the great poet, has meant so much to me. Whitman the one man breaking a way ahead.  Whitman the one pioneer . . . Ahead of Whitman, nothing. Ahead of all poets, pioneering into the  wilderness of unopened life, Whitman. Beyond him, none." —D. H. Lawrence

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    treaty    “小桥流水人家,老树枯藤昏鸦。    夕阳西下,……。”      有孤独的感觉吗? 有没有想起很久没回去的家?      诗的美好之一是诗人和读者产生共鸣,这种共鸣通常能使眼泪决堤,神清气爽,或者产生某种宗教体验,和星空通灵,共鸣的快感。我读诗的目的,就是这种宗教体验。希望看这篇文章的您,能被Leaves of Grass中的某行,某段激发,体验这打通时间,空间的感动。         先说说作者Uncle Whitman吧。          我了解 Whitman 是从看89年的奥斯卡最佳原创剧本获奖电影《Dead Poets Society》(《春风化雨》)。      (建议没看电影的同学先去看下电影,或者至少看下Wiki Whitman的介绍,这样你读诗的时候更容易产生共鸣)      导演在片子中对Whitman元素的运用在:Whitman的诗,肖像作为明线;他对知识的态度作为暗线。      明线:      1.剧中老师Mr. Keating or Captain my Captain 用Walt Whitman 为林 肯被刺后写的一首诗Oh Captain 来介绍自己。 (他明恋林肯,总去路上看林肯,心中的Apollo被刺,满腔情绪的写了Oh Captain)      2.Captain 激发Mr. Anderson Jr 创作Truth的时候,用了Whitman的肖像。Whitman stared/gazed/fixed his eyes at/on Todd's eyes, 这里如果结合Leaves of Grass里Crossing Brooklyn Ferry 这首诗,很容易达到这首诗的目的:诗人视线击穿时空落到你虹膜。      暗线:      Captain教语文的方法是反传统的,不拿书本而是以体验为轴。在这我们可以看看Whitman对知识的态度,从他的小品诗When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer我们知道,他对知识的态度和Captain如出一辙:要自己体验不要别人说教。可以说这部片就是Whitman一个态度的电影化表达。         Wiki Walt Whitman 的连接: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E6%83%A0%E7%89%B9%E6%9B%BC     详情 发表于 2013-8-25 07:29

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