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Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-4-2 21:27
  • 签到天数: 4 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      Book Description
      Filled with fun anecdotes, quirky photos, and off-the-wall business advice, the provocative sequel to "It's Not How Good You Are, It's How good You Want to Be" reveals the surprising power of bad decisions.
       From   Publishers Weekly   
      Referring to his first book, It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be, Arden describes himself as "author of world's bestselling book," ably demonstrating one nugget of wisdom to be found in his latest: "Great people have great egos; maybe that's what makes them great." Otherwise, the book suggests that Arden is less a great person (or a great author) than a great former creative director at advertising powerhouse Saatchi and Saatchi. In the restrictive, often repetitive genre of management by aphorism, Arden is an original: master of the snappy maxim and eye-catching graphic, Arden advocates unconventional thinking, skipping college, taking risks, being outrageous and failing dramatically. Missing is a page in this book emblazoned "Take my advice with a grain of salt," or "Triumph for an advertising copywriter may be disaster for an accountant." Nevertheless, Mr. Arden's books are a pleasure to peruse. His writing is spare, clever, brisk and pointed. Illustrations are clean and witty. Think you whatever, this book is a natty little addition to the business bookshelf.
       Book Dimension   
      length: (cm)17.5                                          widthcm)10.9

    最新书评    共 1 条

    lucife    用中国曾经流行一时的武打电影中的某句话来概括这本书的话,那叫:“不能流芳百世,也求遗臭万年。”   新奇也好,无聊也罢。能否接受在于一个人的肚量有多少。   社会大众寻求刺激,但也拒绝特别案例。   点亮人们眼睛的,可以是极致的美,也能是万恶的丑。   这就是本书前半段的观点:不求对错,只求出位。博人眼球足矣。   让我想到了什么二娜,以及什么姐姐之类的。      其实心底里升起的一句话是,现在这个社会不就是如此么?   没有所谓的对错,没有所谓的好坏,没有所谓的接受与不接受,大家更注重自己,更注重感受。每一个人都是独特的,相对的,大家没有了共性,社会分崩离析。      有些理想化的认为,社会还是需要大义。类似于上帝的完美存在。人类有这样或那样的缺陷,需要指引。      书的后半段我很喜欢,讲述地是行动。   讲述如何破除中国孩子特有的沉闷和害羞。千百年来的种种斗争让我们变得如此胆怯懦弱。当然,现在已经改变的很多了,可是总让人觉得,这样的改变像是走上了另一条道路。并不是说以另类的方式表达自己有什么错,只是总有些东西,我觉得是不能用来舍弃的。遗臭万年这样的事并不需要常见,生活中需要更多的美好。不管结果如何,我觉得出发点总该是美好的才行。      书中有很多独立的观点,不能一概地论为对错。就像这本书所阐述的一样,一切无非是为了更好地吸引人。      很喜欢书里说的这句,光想或者谈论,是不会让梦想实现。所以,在一个坏主意出现之前,先提出一个主意吧。  详情 发表于 2013-7-25 21:44

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