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The Quantum Thief

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-5-30 16:59
  • 签到天数: 4 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      The Quantum Thief is a dazzling hard SF novel set in the solar system of the far future - a heist novel peopled by bizarre post-humans but powered by very human motives of betrayal, revenge and jealousy. It is a stunning debut. Jean le Flambeur is a post-human criminal, mind burglar, confidence artist and trickster. His origins are shrouded in mystery, but his exploits are known throughout the Heterarchy - from breaking into the vast Zeusbrains of the Inner System to steal their thoughts, to stealing rare Earth antiques from the aristocrats of the Moving Cities of Mars. Except that Jean made one mistake. Now he is condemned to play endless variations of a game-theoretic riddle in the vast virtual jail of the Axelrod Archons - the Dilemma Prison - against countless copies of himself. Jean's routine of death, defection and cooperation is upset by the arrival of Mieli and her spidership, Perhonen. She offers him a chance to win back his freedom and the powers of his old self - in exchange for finishing the one heist he never quite managed ...

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    文化公    很久没读到这样的科幻了,创意、世界设定、人物、幽默、战斗场面均十分优秀,让人想起当初读《奇点天空》和Revelation Space的感觉。与《奇点天空》和Revelation Space一样此书也是作者第一部长篇,希望作者也能象Charles Stross和Alastair Reynolds一样成为新一代科幻大牛。(作者是芬兰人,所以名字比较怪,不过他目前居住在苏格兰,现在英国科幻界牛人真是不少)      本书的背景是几百年以后的太阳系,在人工智能、思维上传、记忆复制成为现实以后人类已经分裂成多个不同族群并扩张到太阳系的各个角落,在后人类和超级AI的包围中,火星的Oubliette社会还保留着较传统的生活方式。不过这个传统完全是相对的,因为对于读者来说这个建立在移动城市上,人与人之间靠共享记忆片段做为通讯手段,以生命时间为商业交换单位,靠“死去”的人的思维驱动机器完成必需劳动的社会是再新奇不过了。      新奇的背景也是本书的一个缺点,因为作者对于背景技术、种族、历史的介绍不多,大部分情况下情节的进展完全是在假设你已经知道背景的情况下写出的,而实际上这些背景前面没有介绍,所以全要靠你自己来体会。如果读完了全书会对Oubliette会有比较详细的了解,我想如果重新读一遍可能能看懂很多地方,但我觉得做为小说如果让读者读两遍才能完全看懂有点不合适,因此减去0.5星,算4.5星吧。  详情 发表于 2013-7-26 04:42

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