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The Perks of Being a Wallflower

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-4-7 15:12
  • 签到天数: 2 天

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      Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective...but there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor. Since its publication, Stephen Chbosky's haunting debut novel has received critical acclaim, provoked discussion and debate, grown into a cult phenomenon with over two million copies in print, spent over six months at #1 on the "New York Times "bestseller list, and inspired a major motion picture.  "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" is a story about what it's like to travel that strange course through the uncharted territory of high school. The world of first dates, family dramas, and new friends. Of sex, drugs, and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Of those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up.

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    方FIFI     The Perks of Being a Wallflower is the first English book I have ever finished. The last one I read was The Book Thief, which I loved but only made it to the middle. For it’s my first book review, I’m not sure what to write about, so I guess I shall share some of my thoughts.       It’s a perfect book to read when you are sad or upset or something like that. I got to know this novel when I entered university and one of my best friends recommended it to me. I began to read and soon I found that I love it! I guess that maybe all freshmen feel alike because of those uncertainty and new faces and new problems that occur to us (the book’s protagonist Charlie is a freshman of high school). Charlie’s experience makes me feel that I am not alone and that my situation is actually much better than him.       Charlie is considered as a wallflower, which refers to the guys who are shy and do not get involved in dancing or talking to people at social events. Wallflowers are usually not popular among people in our daily life. However, it occurs to me that nearly everyone has once been a “wallflower” before. When we were little, we used to be shy and we didn’t know how to express ourselves, just like Charlie, who knows the answers to the teacher’s questions but never raise his hand, and who remains on sidelines at parties. When we grow up, we gradually learn to “participate” in our lives. So we are not that different from wallflowers, it’s just that some learn faster and some slower. Maybe they just need someone right to teach them about it.       For Charlie, Sam and Patrick are the ones who guide him to the real world. With their help, Charlie begins to join the dancing, make mix tapes for friends and learns to express love. I feel really happy for him. I also appreciate Patrick a lot because he sees the positive aspect of Charlie. I remember he once said, “You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand. You are a wallflower.” I think it would be great if we can see things and understand and at the same time know how to express (instead of keeping quiet about them). So, wallflowers do have their advantages, what they need is to participate and express. On the other hand, we need to learn to see things and understand things from them, too.       Apart from the story, I love this book also because it was written in form of letters, it’s easy to read, it gives me a better knowledge of American high school life and it gives me a great sense of youth and infinite.     详情 发表于 2013-7-21 16:52
    鹅耳兔    The Perks of Being a Wallflower,   简单但写得动人。   困在自我厌弃和山穷水复里,看到可能会来的转机就高兴地哭了。   在被其他生命接纳的一刻,迎着风跟灯火感受到无限。   这就是为什么我们希望通过走得很远遇见别的人来跳脱此刻的自己,   活过来,变得好起来。   知道还有别的可能,那饱满的喜悦让我哽住不能言  详情 发表于 2013-8-14 09:47
    罗马森    今天下午的芝加哥终于下起了纷纷扬扬的大雪,我坐在窗边读完了最近几个月一直在看的小说《The Perks of Being a Wallflower》。读这本书我曾经两次掩卷流泪。这是一本写的很优美的小说,文字很简单,但透着一股难得的纯真。      这是一本书信体小说。故事发生在九十年代初,通过十几封信描述了主人公Charlie的高中第一年的生活。Charlie有一个体育特别好的哥哥和成绩特别好的姐姐,在家里他是敏感细腻的小弟弟,面对强势的哥哥姐姐,他总是显得沉默寡言,得到长辈的关注也少得多。在学校里,他是不甚合群的壁花男孩,没有谈过恋爱也没什么朋友。他沉浸在自己的世界里,他喜欢The Smiths, Pink Floyd, Nirvana这些乐队,他喜欢把自己喜欢的歌做成mixed tapes,然后郑重地当成礼物送给别人。      就像每一部写high school的作品一样,里面有prom,graduation,after-party,可是这本书又不是仅仅在写成长和如何积极地面对生活,因为全书的基调是很阴郁的,从Charlie听的那些迷幻摇滚车库摇滚的歌就可以看出来,书里也有好几处吸大麻情节。这本书既写出了有关first love,first date,first kiss的纯情,又涉及了drugs,alcohol,gay,abortion,suicide,molestation等等dark side。Charlie的世界是复杂的,因为年少的他要面对那么多在成人世界看来都很沉重的事情,而Charlie的世界又是无比简单的,他是那么单纯,他需要的不过是来自朋友和家人的温暖。Charlie总是游离在两种极端,儿时的心理阴影和自卑让他变得有些自闭,尽管他对这个世界的感受是如此丰富和有趣,他却无法融入真实的世界,而且对自己的天赋浑然不知。直到他遇到了这个世界上他最喜欢的两个人——他最好的朋友Patrick和Sam…      这是一本描写在酒精大麻和摇滚里成长起来的友情的书,也是一本描写在《麦田守望者》《了不起的盖茨比》《杀死一只反舌鸟》《源泉》等等名著中寻找自我的书。我特别喜欢作者用非常简单的句子准确地传达一些微妙的感觉,而且书里提到的那些歌更加从听觉角度提供了读者去体会本书的渠道,而且选出的歌确实很适合书中的情境。      印象最深的一句话是Charlie,Patrick和Sam一起在车上,车里大声放着他们最喜欢的歌一首叫做《Landslide》的歌,在经过隧道时他们把车开得更加快,感受着隧道里呼啸的风,他们快乐地尖叫着,Charlie说“I feel infinite”。  详情 发表于 2013-8-16 22:19
    Karl彼    Recently,I have read a book called "The perks of Being a Wallflower",which has been made into a film.   First of all, I just only watched the film because of the heroine who played my favourite role in "Harry Potter".   When I read further , I found there are so many commons between Charlie and me.   I couldn't help thinking of him,for his mix tape,his single word "sad"written on his diary.He always keeps asking himself when we are all suffering during the awkward ages.   It turns out that as I read every sensitive word about his feeling, I found I am not alone while I know that someone is also trapping into a muddy places where we both want to get out of such a miserable frustrating hell by all means.      What I really long for is that figure out why I come here,being with friends,family,doing so many finals over and over and why I need to be here.   I've heard the people around us and they have their answers,their purpose and their dreams.When they have those ,they will feel relieved and more comfortable than others.   It's not necessary for them to figure out any more.   It's our time to stand straight being scared like the wallflower to face everything we don't like at all or we try to keep away.   I also read a simple word, it says what we actually know is not our desire but our longings.   As a wallflower, from its outside,it looks pretty graceful but from its inner,it always feels pain and suffers and it won't try to face the truth or itself,even though it sneaks out and try to participate.  详情 发表于 2013-8-18 14:22
    Louisk     我很喜欢这本书,但是你若问我为什么喜欢,我想首先我大概只能说这是一种感觉。一个敏感善良的孩子在青春里摸索成长的感觉。    我喜欢Charlie的细腻敏感、善良友爱甚至是他在同龄人里的那么一点“怪异”;我喜欢Charlie的朋友家人,Sam,Patrick,Bill and so forth;我喜欢Charlie喃喃自语式的叙述,朋友,家人,生活,青春。       没有极其戏剧化的事件,没有特定的叙述对象,没有具体宏大的主题,只是一个平凡而敏感的男孩用他最真诚的方式点点滴滴地向你讲述他的生活。因为如此平凡,所以格外真实。看了下书中的时间,是1991-1992年,而主人公是个美国高中男孩,但是我却在书中各个角落里找到如此多的共鸣。我想到了那个年龄左右的自己,不能说是被“成长”困扰,但这两个字对我确实是模糊的。难以定义,难以叙述。大概,我们的年少时光,最好的表现方式都是此般喃喃自语。关于朋友,关于家人,关于那个年龄的生活,虽然隔着不同的文化和不算长但也实实在在存在的时间差距,这本书却真真切切地引起了我对那段时光最清晰的乡愁(nostalgia)。    我喜欢书中的每个人,不是那种因为欣赏他们的某种品质而喜欢的“喜欢”,而是他们每一个都那么真实。你不一定能(也不一定要)在自己的生活中找到对应的对象,但是你却能随着Charlie   经历那么一段“活生生”的年少时光。它不一定是快乐的,它也许带着些许痛苦哀伤,但是,它是让人感到踏实的。       书中有很多打动我的细节,另作笔记,就不在这里赘述了。       另外,关于有人提到的Sam最后和Charlie还没有在一起,我倒觉得这正是最好的结局。而书的结局,永远不会是书中人的结局。       贴上讨论区的两个资源帖。    Charlie的书单:    http://book.douban.com/doulist/1675236/    One Winter, Charlie为Patrick做的mix tape:    http://book.douban.com/subject/1427831/discussion/48474897/  详情 发表于 2013-8-18 16:02
    依稀曾    It doesn't take long for me to finish the book, because I do feel I am reading someone's letter which is so easy to relate to.      I do mean the things Charlie's talking about are easy to relate to, though he's from a totally different age and country. Because I believe we all have that time when we are afraid and don't know how to participate. While reading the book, I remember many things about my own life: times when I was there but I wasn't really there and things I did but I don't remember a single moment. I feel kind of warm and comfortable while reading, because I know the fears I had are shared by someone far away. It's normal.      At the end of the book, I am so happy for Charlie since he 'turn things around" and he doesn't need to write letters to participate in his life anymore.   It was a great ending of a great story.      p.s. the writer is so smart, he describes the life of a freshman with a group of senior friends. So the book can easily reminds me of both the time when I first enter high school and that when I left. Love it.  详情 发表于 2013-8-19 00:00
    LtheFi    Perks of Being a Wallflower has to be one of the books that I could probably read it a million times and it never gets old.      Charlie and I don’t have very much in common, I didn’t do drugs nor did I smoke when I was in high school, but the things he went through in high school were something almost everyone went through. Some kids were motivated in doing something by peer pressure but in Charlie’s case I think it was more of curiosity rather than peer pressure. This book showed us how a special kid like Charlie would cope with being in high school and overcoming the problems he would encounter as he goes along.      I'm not a teenage anymore, but I would still be able to relate to it. This book reminds me of old friendships. I had made a mixed tape for my best friend at that moment, but things change and friends leave and life doesn't stop for anybody. Especially when I get older, I do have a couple of friends but it seems like no one really knows who I really am because I never let them find out who I really was. They know my name and a couple of unimportant things but I think that’s about it. They don’t really care about the things I like, the things that make me cry, the things that make me smile. Sometimes I feel it good, because it is equip me for solitude. Sometimes I feel it terrible, when I really need someone to talk to.      Another thing I loved about this book was how it was written. This book was transcend time and geography.      There were a lot of good quotations in this book but one really stood out for me:      "So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them."      I don’t think this is much of a review but more of a rant.     详情 发表于 2013-8-21 08:45

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