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The Fault in Our Stars |
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On the plane flying to Amsterdam,Gus told Hazel:
"I'm in love with you,and I know that love is just a shout into the void,and that oblivion is inevitable,and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust,and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have,and I am in love with you."
And you say you are not a good writer ,Gus.
花了一星期,把John Green的《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》给看完了。
You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.
我们中的大多数是没有这种机会的,像Gus遇到Hazel那样,对她说:“It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”
此刻,像Hazel 关心 Anna 的结局一样,我迫切地想知道Hazel及其父母后来怎样了。
I just couldn`t stop crying when getting closer and closer to the end of the story.
Hazel Grace, is a really smart and sweet and somehow angry narrator. The way Hazel talked with her parents, Augustus and herself always makes me smile and inspired. She was kind of a girl that has got her own opinion about cancers the illness, the life, the true love, the friendship,and the family and always felt free to say about it. I`m so glad Augustus fell for her and she fell for Augustus. They were made for each other. They really understood each other. They were soulmates. I really appreciate when they willingly tried to read each other`s favorite books to get into his or her world. I really appreciate when Gus called her specially "Hazel Grace" which feels always sweet because it`s the name just be called by the boy who loved her. I really appreciate Gus`s "goofy smile"and the way he made Hazel as well as the readers feel. I really appreciate when Hazel and Gus kept saying "okay" to each other, flirting. I really appreciate when Gus said:"I wish we have enough time for us to fall in love."and they did(thank God). I really appreciate when Issac said "When the scientists show up at my house with robot eyes and they tell me the try them on, I will tell they to screw off because I don`t want to see a world without him(Gus)". I appreciate that Gus could be able to hear the eulogy by Hazel and Issac. I even appreciate John Green didn`t shape Peter Van Hutton a perfect nice man but a disturbing alcoholic assclown with some stories in himself.
Especially I appreciate the way John Green narrated this whole beautiful story magically. In the very last five chapter, the length of the chapter becomes shorter and the story becomes unpredictable, which makes me hold my breath each time I turned a page away.
It`s such a great and sad story without any “sadness-flown bullshit” at all. It just naturally and sharply gives you the feeling of sadness without any fusses.
One of the questions and the writer's answer struck me.
What if anything is different about writing characters who know they will die soon?
For one thing, the rest of us take our body for granted. the rest of us don't spend a lot of time thinking our bodies as a necessary part of being alive. But for people who are very sick, chronically sick, they don't have the luxury.
The other thing is that, they don't have the luxury of not thinking existentially. People who are very sick don't have the luxury of ignoring the realty of mortality, and ignoring the big questions that surround mortality.
开始看的时候因为是在某视频里面看到有人推荐这本书,但是推荐人并没有提到这本书是讲什么的。然后在别的地方看到有人说 it is such a beautiful book。 于是就拿来看了。
故事基本上是讲一个16岁得肺癌的女孩和一个17岁的骨癌截肢的男孩在cancer support group 相遇,分享人生,相爱的过程。刚开始的时候,我被作者的一些带智慧的小幽默所吸引。因为这样的题材很容易写成韩剧,韩剧或者悲惨的爱情故事从来不是我会主动去看的。但是开始的描述让我认为这本书跟我对这种故事的预期不同。
看到这里,我想说 ,我自己并没有看过很多以癌症病人或者生死为主题的小说。所以我没办法评价这本书是否很有新意。这个作者的其他书我也没有看过,所以不会因为这本书不如他以前的书而感到失望。以上这两点基本上是我在goodreads这个国外的书评网站上看到的主要负面评价的意见。
比如里面一个得了眼癌的人因为要控制癌症不得不接受眼球的手术,将要变成盲人,于是他的女友就在他手术之前跟他分手。因为没办法跟一个盲人分手,手术后也音讯全无。当他跟女主角熟悉以后说起这件事,女主角发表了不同的意见,说 it is not that nice of you either.. being blind and everything.. 男生说,it is not my fault. 女主角说,I didn't say it is your fault. I am just saying it wasn't nice. 【这段话只是凭印象】
我觉得很感动。她觉得癌症病人就像一个定时炸弹,当你死的时候,你会伤害你周围的所有人。一个人究竟能不能以对方的自私而责怪对方呢。对于一个未成年人,如何面对一个失明,而且很有可能会死的爱人呢。同样的道理可以应用在很多方面。一个突然得重病的,突然破产,突然因为一些变故而不正常的人,也许这些事情的发生不是你的错误,但是因为这样而让周围的人陪着你一起受苦,”it wasn't nice“.
男女主角在某件事情上有所分歧。就是男主角害怕被遗忘[oblivion],他认为人生只有做了一些贡献,因为什么而死才会被记住,这样的人生才是有意义的。而女主角害怕被太多人记住,害怕自己死了以后像炸弹一样炸伤周围的人。随着故事情节的发展,两个人的思想也有所交流。男主角了解了女主角那样默默无闻,不引起注意的人生也是有意义的。而女主角明白了你有时候没有办法spare someone from the pain 尤其是爱你的人。
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