周末开了将近8小时的车,顺便听了这本书的有声书。我跟BF说我路上在听Simon Pegg的自传的时候,他说这人不是才30多嘛怎么就写自传了。我想Simon Pegg本人估计也有这种想法,所以一半的章节都用科幻小故事来稀释一下XD。但我想这本书也并不是什么伟人生平的记录,更多是他分享自己的个人经历和想法吧。写的非常坦诚有趣,推荐一听/一读。
- 作为一个Nerd,后来能和自己从小就喜欢和仰望的大手们合作,真令人感动
- 写作课得到老师的鼓励,特别是一个僵尸故事。后来拍了Shaun of the dead以后很想时光倒流交给那位老师
- 作为Comedian的insecurity。讲完笑话需要观众瞬间的反映
- 和继父的相处一开始很困难,最后在共同喜欢的音乐和show上还是建立了bonding
- 和法国女孩在夏天的短暂恋情。两个本应争抢妹子的小哥在离别期间却默契的达到了某种共识:他们俩妹子都喜欢,而对离别大家都感到悲伤。第二个夏天再见面的时候魔法都消失了。这事在大图景上可能完全没有重要意义,但有些怀旧的故事需要被讲述
- 和Nick Frost还有Edgar Wright命运般的相遇。人生有多少意义深远的相遇,还有多少可能改变一个人的相遇在现实中没有发生。也许相遇并不是玄乎的命中注定,而是一个人的性格、兴趣注定了把他/她带到相似的人身边
It was a while before I dared utter the C-word in front of her, and when I did, it was met with far less amiable acceptance. I was a college boy by this time with some grasp of etymology and linguistics and my casual use of the word had been wilfully inflammatory.
‘Oh, come on, Mum,’ I sighed at her protest. ‘It’s just an old Anglo-Saxon word for the female organ which has been adopted by an inherently misogynist language as a negative epithet. It’s the same as “fuck”, it basically means the same as copulate, but the latter is perfectly acceptable. Why? Because copulate has its roots in Latin and Latin reminds us that we are a sophisticated, learned species, not the rutting animals that these prehistoric grunts would have us appear to be, and isn’t that really the issue here? We don’t want to admit that we are essentially animals? We want to distinguish ourselves from the fauna with grand conceits and elaborate language; become angels worthy of salvation, not dumb creatures consigned to an earthly, terminal end. It’s just a word, Mum; a sound meaning a thing; and your disgust is just denial of a greater horror: that our consciousness is not an indication of our specialness but the terrifying key to knowing how truly insignificant we are.’
She told me to go fuck myself.