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Fifty Shades of Grey |
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终于看完了Fifty Shades of Grey,对我来说很有意义的一件事,因为是我第一次在ipad上看完一本英文书。
差不多就是去年的这个时候,老妈来英国参加我的毕业典礼,我们一起去苏格兰,经过格拉斯哥一家Waterstone’s外,老妈突然指着橱窗里的一本书说想买。没错,那本书就是Fifty Shades of Grey。那当然是开玩笑的,我妈英文丢下好多年了,也根本不知道这书是讲什么的;我看到Grey,还以为跟Grey’s Anatomy有什么关系。
不过从行文上来说,实在很难夸赞了,光是flush一个词就出现了多少遍(我是厚道的懒人,不数了),这绝对不是因为英文的词汇贫乏(参见罗琳一个“吼”字就能甩出十几个不同的单词来)。形容起Grey的姿势就是“cock the head”,看得真是审美疲劳。一般小言作者意淫过度的问题也没法避免,女主玛丽苏光环扣顶,一堆男人喜欢,做所有蠢事男主都不会生气只会觉得好笑,咬个嘴唇都能激起男主性趣使其放出堪比“你这个磨人的小妖精”的恶俗台词,各种动作场面的描写露骨又雷同,远不如“花心拆,游蜂采,柳腰摆,露滴牡丹开”来得露骨不失雅致,使用的sex toys因为看不懂专业词汇我也想象无能。
最后,奔着SM去的朋友可以重点关注Ana第一次进入Red Room of Pain时,作者对其的描述,专业词汇很多,展示了很多专业工具;另一处就是两人的协议内容,能起到一定的科普作用。
我是从这本书红的时候开始听的英文原版的音频 因为亚马逊上买是在觉得不值
是朋友推荐的 她听了开头非常爱Grey 然后传音频给我让我去听
(插句话 作者用词是我看过最简单 单一的英文小说了 没有之一 饥饿游戏都比她难 练英语要音频的豆油)
我听开头的时候也很兴奋 因为男主确实讨人喜欢
男主真的就是莫名奇妙喜欢上女主 小说情节
女主是virgin一点没有惊讶到我 她很明显是有个漂亮嘴唇的loser
结尾时候女主被spank听的真是莫名奇妙 可能因为我sexual的经验不足?!
总之我是每天睡不着觉听的 每次听个二十分钟就睡着了
继续听第二本去了 听说结果是大美好大团圆 能想象到
演男主的男人 瞎了我的狗眼 最讨厌的一种长相
美国史上最畅销书的头衔确实吸引了我,否则可能很难专门去翻看一本号称erotic novel的书吧。可以理解大家为什么多数再骂这本书,确实E L James的文笔一般,而且我们也确实会被那一次又一次出现的“flush”“wet”“come”搞的缺少了阅读的起伏与乐趣。也许香艳是这本书最大的噱头,就像是少女穿着极其撩人的外衣,可是剥开来看,实际上讲的还是true love的那颗真心。
因为爱,所以即使再不是自己,再恐惧,Ana也愿意放弃自己的自主意识,成为Grey身边的那个Sub,因为满足Grey就是满足自己,因为期盼爱Grey就能使Grey以Ana的方式爱回自己。多么像实际生活中的爱侣关系啊,再twisted love也都一样,Sub屈服于Dom去换取Dom的爱,可是如果Dom没有办法提供Sub想获得的,那么Sub可以选择离开。所有的爱情都一样,你愛了,你就不再有自由,你失去了自我。那你對自由和自我的喪失究竟能到什麽程度决定了你爱的时间和 程度。所以,现在看来,这个香艳的外衣下的故事多么的老套啊,虽然第一部结局Ana离开了,但是相信因为是真爱,所以Grey在后面一定会追回Ana,为Ana 改变。
PS. 为什么大家都要吐槽所谓的精神分裂,也许inner goddess是最好的方式展现Ana这个not borned Sub的放弃自我意思挣扎的不错的方式选择。
I really don't like writing bad reviews. I admire people who have the courage to put pen to paper and expose themselves to the whole world, especially those writing erotica. Having just finished this book, however, I feel compelled to write a review.
About half way through the book, I looked up the author to see if she was a teenager. I really did because the characters are out of a 16 year old's fantasy. The main male character is a billionaire (not a millionaire but a billionaire) who speaks fluent French, is basically a concert level pianist, is a fully trained pilot, is athletic, drop dead gorgeous, tall, built perfectly with an enormous penis, and the best lover on the planet. In addition, he's not only self made but is using his money to combat world hunger. Oh yeah, and all of this at the ripe old age of 26! And on top of that, he's never working. Every second is spent having sex or texting and emailing the female character. His billions seem to have just come about by magic. It seriously feels like 2 teenage girls got together and decided to create their "dream man" and came up with Christian Grey.
Then come the sex scenes. The first one is tolerable but as she goes on, they become so unbelievable that it becomes more laughable than erotic. She orgasms at the drop of a hat. He says her name and she orgasms. He simply touches her and she orgasms. It seems that she's climaxing on every page.
Then there's the writing. If you take out the parts where the female character is blushing or chewing her lips, the book will be down to about 50 pages. Almost on every single page, there is a whole section devoted to her blushing, chewing her lips or wondering "Jeez" about something or another. Then there's the use of "shades of". He's "fifty shades of @#$%% up," "she turned 7 shades of crimson," "he's ten shades of x,y, and z." Seriously?
The writing is just not up to par, the characters are unbelievable, and the sex verges on the comical. I don't know what happens in the remaining books and I do not intend to read them to find out. But given the maturity level of the first book, I imagine that they get married, have 2 perfect children, cure world hunger, and live happily ever after while riding into the sunset, as the female character climaxes on her horse causing her to chew her bottom lip and blush fifty shades of crimson. Jeez!
When I finished 95% of the novel <fifty shades of Grey>, I still believe it is some kind of a Cinderella-meet-prince love story, though in a distorted adult version---- I can’t understand how the Ana (or the author) can maintain the state of libido excitement all through the book, for her and Grey’s insatiable sex appetite almost fed me up after half journey of the book. I can’t help wondering why the Vigor taken by the author is of such long half-life? Or the book is finished in several hours? And while reaching 95% of the story path, I also wonder how the novel should end in the wake of repetitive carnal enjoyment, and I ever doubt it won’t be too bad to kill the two in the glide ecstasy!
Ergo it is undeniable that the end is the highlight of the whole story, which made it a barely acceptable novel, for the annihilation end is always more understandable, acceptable, and forgivable.
Comparatively, all the other books I have read are too orthodoxy, or this book is a heretics. As I cannot understand how Ana could tolerate Grey so much, or made so much unprincipled concession, for this reason I cannot shed due pity to her final loss.
And the book failed to hold water in many aspects, such as why Ana is able to beguile such a handsome, successful , and with profound sex experience zillionaire? Obviously not because she is a virgin, and the only plausible explanation is the privilege “I” entitle! And the question what lead Grey to such an sadistic keep haunting in reader’s mind, with no answer till the end.
The art decoration of Hardy, Phaethon-driving-the–solar-car led to no where, or just shallow decorations, even not as impressive as the jet, the mansion in Seattle. While from the story I can feel what zillionaire life is like in the author’s mind----if I can comment, I would like to switch Grey’s music form the source of ipod to “Westlake speaker”, the audio speakers I have at my home
最近书店堆满了fifty shades系列 传说中大卖的充斥着SM内容的三部曲小说 我激动万分 周五拎了一本回家 花了我99大洋 用了昨天一个宝贵的周六翻完 现在充斥着大喊“坑爹”的情绪
这书最大的优点就是翻完五百多页速度飞快且不用查字典 给我这种英文半吊子选手带来无比的成就感
举个栗子 书中起码出现了七、八次"he/she cocks his head to one side" 其他各种"I groan" "he moans"就更不用说了 读的时候真心替这位英国作家的词汇量着急
之前曾经听说某男演员被剧组联系是否有兴趣出演该片 该男演员说 他读了原著五十多页后决定放弃
我听到这故事 兴奋非常:哇 五十多页开始就有咸湿场面啦 这男演员太没出息了
读完五十多页后 我明白该演员的踌躇点在哪里了
40多页处 男主邀女主去喝咖啡 在俩人啥关系没有的情况下牵起了女主的手 女主小兔乱撞默默跟随到了咖啡店说其实我不喝咖啡 我只喝english tea 男主疼爱地为其买了女主最爱的twinnings 各种聊天后俩人牵手回家 说时迟那时快 一辆自行车猛地冲过来 男主一把抓住女主 女主软软倒在男主怀里 心潮澎湃地等男主吻她 男主内心斗争后说 对不起 就走了
读完这些 我真的懂了 该男演员 对不起我错怪了你...
类似内容书中比比皆是 无时无刻不在提醒我在高中曾经读过棒子的《狼的诱惑》和《那小子真帅》那段不堪回首的历史
男主角永远帅气(服务员啥的不在话下 连女主的妈都被迷倒了) 多金(不是millionnaire哦 人家是multi-zillionnaire)各种技能(钢琴法语是标配 开直升机滑翔是升级版)控制欲超强(不许跟其他男人多说话) 给女主买各种名贵礼物(还没上市的MacBook Blackberry Audi)而且 永远都有intimacy issues (Dont touch me)
女主角一定都是美丽的平凡邻家女孩 inexperienced 对爱充满幻想 单纯 倔强 而且一定都有一个更美丽更富有的好朋友
真是不明白这些网络言情小说早就玩烂了的设定 为啥欧美人这么稀罕
看到男主的合同(是的 合同)的时候我就有点蒙了 莫非是我打开方式不对?说好的SM呢?为啥我脑海中属于SM的内容都被刨除了啊 剩下这点内容我去看贾平凹王小波就行了啊
最后女主的崩溃点居然是男主对其用皮带的六下痛击 而且还是在女主要求下 女主受不了了 就跑了
首先 原谅我看到这个场景首先想到的是《还珠格格》中的皇阿玛和小燕子 随后想到的就是原来有些父母小时候打孩子可能都是在为这一刻做准备 尽管我猜想这只是压死骆驼的最后一棵稻草 可是恕我真心无法理解女主的崩溃点 这是小说!我要抓马!我要spice up!
看完该书 我对作者产生了强烈的好奇并认定她是一个二十出头的刚刚大学毕业的平凡棕发女
二十出头因为我认为作者心理年龄顶多也就这个数 棕发女因为书中充斥着对blonde的各种羡慕嫉妒恨 以及 男主深情的:"I like brunette"
跑去google作者照片儿 原来是一中年棕发大妈 好吧 我也表示可以理解 中年大妈们本来就是神奇的存在
又不禁在想 这书到底是卖给谁看的啊 给成年人看 估计会笑这故事忒小儿科文字忒幼稚 给小孩看 有些场景确实不太适合
转念一想 啊!!原来这书就是卖给我这样的二货的 被以讹传讹地跑去书店买 增加了销售量 读完后表示失望四处吐槽 更多人就听说了这本奇书 可能也有几个会表示好奇掏钱去买 唉 大妈还是很聪明的
听说这书的电影化已经纳入日程 而且男主还是高司令 好吧 那我还是会看的 erotic fiction+高司令 I wont miss it for the world 大妈 你又成功了
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