此版本的152页,提到Tintern Abbey(本书译作“廷特恩修道院”)的时候,提到了此处之所以有赫赫声名全因为华兹华斯的诗“《湖区之外我也可能让人乏味》”。这里,我以为应该解释一下,为本书丰富详尽的译注再加一笔。
Tintern Abbey(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tintern_Abbey)即华兹华斯名诗Tintern Abbey(中译《丁登寺赋》,原文请见http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Poetry/WordsworthTinternAbbey.htm)所咏之处。在这里作者是讽刺华兹华斯写于湖区的诗就很乏味,在湖区之外所赋之诗依旧如此。
The name Manchester originates from the Ancient Roman name Mamucium, the name of the Roman fort and settlement, generally thought to be a Latinisation of an original Celtic name (possibly meaning "breast-like hill" from mamm- = "breast"), plus Old English ceaster = "town", which is derived from Latin castra = "camp".[13] An alternative theory suggests that the origin is British Celtic mamma = "mother", where the "mother" was a river-goddess of the River Medlock which flows below the fort. Mam means "female breast" in Irish Gaelic and "mother" in Welsh.[14]
不知是哪里让作者有如此联想?或是曼彻斯特的罗马名字另有所指?希望大家不吝为我答疑解惑。 |