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  Matthew Sobol was a legendary computer game designer--the architect  behind half a dozen popular online games. His premature death from brain  cancer depressed both gamers and his company's stock price. But Sobol's  fans weren't the only ones to note his passing. He left behind something  that was scanning Internet obituaries, too--something that put in motion  a whole series of programs upon his death. Programs that moved money.  Programs that recruited people. Programs that killed.
    Confronted with a killer from beyond the grave, Detective Peter Sebeck  comes face-to-face with the full implications of our increasingly  complex and interconnected world--one where the dead can read headlines,  steal identities, and carry out far-reaching plans without fear of  retribution. Sebeck must find a way to stop Sobol's web of programs--his  Daemon--before it achieves its ultimate purpose. And to do so, he must  uncover what that purpose is . . .

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阿北    先声明一下,我想给的评价是三星半:你是技术人的话,四星。你不是的话,三星。      读这本书是因为不慎在同事桌子上看到,然后瞄了一眼情节梗概。之后两天时间里这个梗概就一直在脑子里转。终于扛不住了,威逼利诱插队拿到了手里。      所以梗概是这本书最精彩的部分:一个网游巨鳄兼顶尖黑客,智商220的家伙得脑癌挂了。他的讣告通过网络触发了偷偷休眠在全世界各个角落服务器上的自动程序(Daemon)。这些程序不断扫描着每天的世界新闻,按照预先的布置启动各种事情:从两起谋杀开始,招募走卒,组织袭击,最后... [剧透,删去7字]。FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, yeah. whaaa. 对情节的好奇赶着我一篇一篇翻了432页。      好的地方是基本上所有的技术细节理论上讲在今天都是可行的,包括分布式AI(游戏达人知道这是什么)控制的无人驾驶杀人汽车。作者是数据库专家,也做足了功课。所以这是一部小说,严格说不是科幻。糟糕的地方是作者雄心太大,铺得太开,每一面都不够深入:分布式智能、潜在的网络安全危机、网游和现实被打破的边界、商业势力和国家权利的冲突。好不容易结尾了,作者发现铺得太开,只好用安排续集的办法草草收场。结尾得让人非常不爽。第一次出书的这位技术达人文笔也比较稚嫩,像是刚上完小说写作短训班就登台亮相了。      不过我还会读续集(明年出,叫Freedom)吗?会。纯粹因为好奇这个故事会怎么收场。而且,这个故事至少是一种技术的可能,不管多么不靠谱。你会看完,会想看续集吗?不知道。这是Neuromancer, Martix一类的读物。肯定会有它的忠实读者。但是,非Geek慎入。  详情 发表于 2013-8-27 04:27

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