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Holy Fire

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-30 17:41
  • 签到天数: 1 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      Humanity's ancient dream of immortality is on the verge of becoming reality in the challenging new novel from erstwhile William Gibson (see below) collaborator Sterling (Heavy Weather, 1994, etc.). In Sterling's late 21st century, advances in cybernetics, nano- and virtual technology and medicine have transformed Earth into a near paradise. Vice and illness still exist, but they're largely voluntary or self-created, the result of not controlling one's appetites and not using the medical facilities provided free to those who live socially acceptable lifestyles. Mia Ziemann is a 94-year-old medical economist in a world ruled by a "post-human" gerontocracy. Life-extension technology is the world's major growth industry and Mia, like many of the elderly, has invested everything into qualifying for new and experimental rejuvenation techniques. After undergoing one of the most radical such procedures, Mia can now pass for 20 but is borderline psychotic. She trades her careful, upscale existence for life on the streets with the restless young, wandering through Europe in search of stimulus and meaning. There, she finds herself surrounded by artists, anarchists and bohemians who, frustrated by their powerlessness, want to involve her in a radical scheme to change the world. Sterling is never an easy writer, especially for casual fans of SF. Here, as usual, he offers intellectual rather than action fare, as discussions of the morality of immortality alternate with debates over aesthetics and the future of high fashion. The future Sterling traces is plausible and provocative, particularly his consideration of several contrasting cultures, and of the disenfranchised who are unable to become "post-human." Those interested in serious speculative conversation set within a very strange near-future will find this much to their taste.

      BRUCE STERLING is the author of nine novels, three of which were selected as New York Times Notable Books of the Year. The Difference Engine, co-written with William Gibson, was a national bestseller. He has also published three short-story collections and one nonfiction book, The Hacker Crackdown. He edited the anthology Mirrorshades and has written for many magazines, including Newsweek, Fortune, Harper's, Details, Whole Earth Review, and Wired, where he has been a contributing writer since its conception. In 1999, he won the Hugo Award in the short-story category. He lives in Austin, Texas.

    最新书评    共 1 条

    denovo    你被一条狗追杀。   你跳进计算网络中游泳。   你埋葬爱人时要先把他锯成两段。   你度假时可以暂时变成一只猴子,彻底抛开烦恼。   你拥有一座巨大的记忆宫殿。   你在记忆宫殿里制造机器,给人类大脑注入创造力。   因为你相信,人类寿命达到无限的奇点即将到来,而你不愿这个奇点后的世界从此死气沉沉。      我不知道这些描述是否足够让你想看斯特林的《圣火》。      然而,这却是一个摄影师的成长历程。在书的最后,她终于拍出了第一张真正的照片。   “Her first true picture. So real and beautiful.    The camera clicked. ”      五星在这里变成了四星。   有时候我想,长期阅读Kafka Lem PKD Vonnegut这类人对我们做了什么(at least u can see what English readind has done to my writing, shit)。我们再也不能理解真实和正常的感动,只有愈变态愈美丽,否则就是坏了胃口的庸俗。  详情 发表于 2013-8-28 09:51

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