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The Salmon of Doubt

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-28 14:13
  • 签到天数: 3 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      On Friday, May 11, 2001, the world mourned the untimely passing of Douglas Adams, beloved creator of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, dead of a heart attack at age forty-nine.  Thankfully, in addition to a magnificent literary legacy—which includes seven novels and three co-authored works of nonfiction—Douglas left us something more. The book you are about to enjoy was rescued from his four computers, culled from an archive of chapters from his long-awaited novel-in-progress, as well as his short stories, speeches, articles, interviews, and letters.
      In a way that none of his previous books could, The Salmon of Doubt provides the full, dazzling, laugh-out-loud experience of a journey through the galaxy as perceived by Douglas Adams. From a boy’s first love letter (to his favorite science fiction magazine) to the distinction of possessing a nose of heroic proportions; from climbing Kilimanjaro in a rhino costume to explaining why Americans can’t make a decent cup of tea; from lyrical tributes to the sublime pleasures found in music by Procol Harum, the Beatles, and Bach to the follies of his hopeless infatuation with technology; from fantastic, fictional forays into the private life of Genghis Khan to extended visits with Dirk Gently and Zaphod Beeblebrox: this is the vista from the elevated perch of one of the tallest, funniest, most brilliant, and most penetrating social critics and thinkers of our time.
      Welcome to the wonderful mind of Douglas Adams.

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    卡灵仙     手头的这本书,收录了DNA的访谈、为杂志写的专栏、给孩子们的诡异小故事……一直到最后的悼词。DNA去世的时候,年仅49岁,彼时电影银漫还未上映,他所爱的苹果也尚未成为今天的巨头。而小说《The Salmon of Doubt》只有小半本,故事还停留在分散的片段,尚未连接成串。依旧是DNA式冷欠和天马行空的想象,虽然我更喜欢银漫系列。不知道是我手头的版本收录不全,还是DNA走得实在太急,就像高迪一样,把绝伦的作品留在了他的头脑中,永远地带走了。    这是一次致敬之旅,与我读《失落的世界》仅仅是对SH探案全集一样,感谢DNA的朋友与同事,这不仅仅只是想象世界的小说,在他不在后,能给予世界一个在银漫之外一个更真实更丰满更可爱的DNA:一个把自己的身高夸张化娱乐大家娱乐自己的DNA,一个痴迷于新科技(当然现在看来电脑与网络已经太常见了)——尤其是硅晶技术(多么有先见之明!)的新新人,一个RPG游戏制作者,一个铁杆果粉,一个致力于保护大猩猩与黑犀牛的自然爱好者,一个坚定自豪的无神论者……他不只是银漫的作者。    和所有以一部作品成名并闻名的作者一样,难免会被某某作品的作者这一身份所捆绑,而想逃离——或者说,不希望大众了解的自己只是一个系列而已。《福尔摩斯探案全集》之于道尔爵士,《银河系漫游指南》之于DNA,《哈利波特》之于JK罗琳,每个人都无一例外地在完成成名系列后努力挣脱这个为他们带来荣耀却又夺去“自由”的茧。Dirk Gently系列在侦探小说界的地位虽然不像银漫系列在科幻界的地位一样尊崇,但毫无疑问也是妙趣横生的作品。这就是DNA创造的另一个世界(Dr. Who你们一定听说过吧,也是DNA的哟)。    至于宇宙的终极答案究竟是什么,是固守自己的辉煌还是不甘于单一的人生,引用《The Salmon of Doubt》主角Dirk的一个原则来回答吧:Never ask a question unless one was fairly certain he would like the answer.    只是,好奇心会害死猫, 我们甚至连不要问明知会有很讨厌答案的问题都做不到。所以,到底什么才是那个42,就让我们勇敢地去闯吧!  详情 发表于 2013-8-26 22:38

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