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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - 书评

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-30 17:41
  • 签到天数: 1 天

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    发表于 2013-5-26 15:58:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
      《高效能人士的七个习惯(20周年纪念版)》在每一章最后增加了一个“付诸行动”版块,精选柯维培训课程中的实践训练习题,以帮助读者加深对“七个习惯”的理解和掌握,使“七个习惯”成为属于每个人自己的行动指 ...

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    发表于 2013-7-25 07:55:07 | 只看该作者
      1. relationship
         you may wonder why such book is related to human relationship , it's because the relationship is the key part of efficiency. People in the society work together, there will be no efficiency without good relationship.
         To have a good relationship with people, you have to be mature. Being mature means you have to be a man of his word , commit to himself, seek first to understand. When you become a man who can be trusted , a good relationship begins.
         This is especially important in marriage , women are more sensitive than men . Seeking first to understand rather than to understood is the key . It also works out in any other relationship.
        2. why we work
         Life is a circle of learning, doing, committing . Our work helps us to do thing we are interested in. So we can learn, do and commit to ourselves and other people. We will improve the skills or knowledge as well as mental world. That's the gift from work -- To be a better one.


    发表于 2013-7-27 15:10:25 | 只看该作者


    发表于 2013-7-28 18:42:25 | 只看该作者
      本来以为是一本烂大街的枕边励志书之类的玩意。翻看了几张纸之后发现开篇压根没有第一Habit第二Habit的拉开来分析。激起了我不少的兴趣,花了一天多的时间基本上看完了。实际上整本书我觉得最精彩最不落俗套的还是First Habit之前的内容。讲述了技巧和人之内在本质修炼之间的区别。
      不过糟糕的是,当正文开始展开描述七点习惯之时,我分明又看到了一本烂大街的励志书籍... ...


    发表于 2013-8-1 02:05:46 | 只看该作者
      One doesn't have to recite the whole story, but only the part of "paradigm shift".
      I thought of myself at once. This feeling dated back to the moment when I first came to my university. On that day everyone was dazzling about things around, like losting in a fog. Friends who were just kids at that time couldn't understand a single bit of the phrase "paradigm shift".
      When I read some papers and passages in Tsinghua, preparing for my GRE test, I first realized the true meaning of "paradigm shift". &quotaradigm shift" = " ", which means, it's nothing, until you fill in the blank.
      Last night I went back from Hangzhou. A few days' trip was over. Now I was in Suzhou again. I took out my books on complex analysis and methods of mathematical physics, recalling those concepts, functions, and equations. Don't listen to those doctrines. Instead, believe in my capabilities, believe in my destiny. I am my best coach.
      一向对畅销书有反感,7 Habits这部书也是听了多少年都没有去看一眼。两周前和朋友在上海书城逛的时候,畅销书台上也有此书的中文版,也如往常一样敬而远之。一周前,NYTimes的obituary里赫然写着Stephen Covey的名字,介绍了他的书及影响。由于一直对美国主流文化怀有兴趣,抱着了解一下的态度,翻了翻这本书。同时也是为了纪念一下这位“被伟大”的作家。

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