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Breaking Night



  " Breaking Night  reads more like an adventure story than an addiction-morality tale. It's a white-knuckle account of survival. . . . By age 6, Murray knew how to mainline drugs (though she never took them) and how to care for her strung-out parents. She showed uncanny maturity, even as a child, and later managed to avoid that malady of teenagers and memoir writers, self-pity. . . . Murray's stoicism has been hard-earned; it serves her well as a writer.  Breaking Night  itself is full of heart, without a sliver of ice, and deeply moving." ( The New York Times Book Review )  "Liz Murray shows us that the human spirit has infinite ability to grow and can never be limited by circumstance.  Breaking Night  is a beautifully written, heartfelt memoir that will change the way you look your community, the obstacles in your own life and the American Dream. An inspiration, a must read." (Robert Redford)  "[Liz Murray] reminds us that the greatest acts of love and failure can occur side by side; that isolation and loss can give way to accomplishment and promise. She offers the awesome hope that, regardless of its past, a life can go beyond endurance and reach for triumph. She leave us with the memory of a child who clung to and refused to surrender the dignity of her soul." (Andrew Bridge, author of the  New York Times  bestseller  Hope's Boy )  "As much as it is a memoir,  Breaking Night  is a primer on how poverty and drug abuse create a heartbreaking underclass of children, one that goes largely unnoticed. By the truly uplifting ending, Liz Murray has shown us the worst, and the very best, of America." (Haven Kimmel, author of  A Girl Named Zippy  and  She Got Up Off the Couch )  In the vein of  The Glass Castle, Breaking Night  is the stunning memoir of a young woman who at age fifteen was living on the streets, and who eventually made it into Harvard.   Liz Murray was born to loving but drug-addicted parents in the Bronx. In school she was taunted for her dirty clothing and lice-infested hair, eventually skipping so many classes that she was put into a girls' home. At age fifteen, Liz found herself on the streets when her family finally unraveled. She learned to scrape by, foraging for food and riding subways all night to have a warm place to sleep.   When Liz's mother died of AIDS, she decided to take control of her own destiny and go back to high school, often completing her assignments in the hallways and subway stations where she slept. Liz squeezed four years of high school into two, while homeless; won a  New York Times  scholarship; and made it into the Ivy League.  Breaking Night  is an unforgettable and beautifully written story of one young woman's indomitable spirit to survive and prevail, against all odds.

  Liz Murray completed high school and won a New York Times scholarship while homeless, and graduated from Harvard University in 2009. She has been awarded The White House Project Role Model Award, a Christopher Award, as well as the Chutzpah Award, which was given to Liz by Oprah Winfrey. Lifetime Television produced a film about Liz's life, Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story. Today, she travels the world to deliver motivational speeches and workshops to inspire others. Liz is the founder and director of Manifest Trainings, a New York-based company that empowers adults to create the results they want in their own lives. ^Liz Murray completed high school and won a New York Times scholarship while homeless, and graduated from Harvard University in 2009. She has been awarded The White House Project Role Model Award, a Christopher Award, as well as the Chutzpah Award, which was given to Liz by Oprah Winfrey. Lifetime Television produced a film about Liz's life, Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story. Today, she travels the world to deliver motivational speeches and workshops to inspire others. Liz is the founder and director of Manifest Trainings, a New York-based company that empowers adults to create the results they want in their own lives.

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雏田    看完电影《风雨哈佛路》后想看一下原著,看看Liz自己笔下的生活。   电影里的她,从头到尾被塑造成艰苦奋斗、毅力顽强的好孩子,但从自传中能看到一个更加真实完整的人。      父母吸毒,姐妹俩忍饥挨饿,仅有的点点救济金也被父母拿去换毒品。父母三更半夜出去get high时,还不到10岁的她整夜在家等着,担心他们会出事,直到父母回来了,她把母亲安顿好,自己才睡下。但是她并不因此怨恨父母,她恨的只是毒品和毒瘾。她原谅了父母,认为他们只是没办法给予更多,因为他们一无所有。      “Forgiving her didn’t mean that I wasn’t devastated. I was heartbroken and deeply hurt whenever they left us hungry. I just didn’t blame Ma or Daddy for my hurt. I wasn’t angry at them. If I hated anything at all, I hated drugs and addiction itself, but I did not hate my parents. I loved my parents, and I knew they loved me. I was sure of it.      Ma and Daddy were always making it clear that they simply couldn’t give me what they didn’t have. They had no intention to hurt us. It wasn’t as if they were running off during the daytime to be better parents to some other kids and then returning home at night to be awful to us. They simply did not have it in them to be the parents I wanted them to be. So how could I blame them?”      幸好她还有一群朋友,在街上厮混,在她没地方过夜时悄悄让她进屋睡觉,让她有地方洗澡,和她分享食物。      她并没有好好上学,整天逃学到街上流浪,甚至因逃课太多被强制送进封闭的管教所。但就这样,她还是完成了初中学业得以毕业,她自己都觉得不可思议。而她姐姐一直坚持学习而且成绩优秀。书中提到,后来的心理咨询师告诉她,在恶劣的成长环境下,她们姐妹俩的关系已经变成了“竞争者”,争夺食物,争夺生存空间,争夺父母的爱。      在母亲得了艾滋,父亲被送到收容所后,她和姐姐住进母亲的男友家。她仍然在街上当混混,有了第一个男朋友,在母亲喝醉酒发病呕吐的时候照顾她,看着母亲日益虚弱,而母亲的男友粗暴地对待她们,她不堪重负,为了“自由”离家出走了。      无家可归的日子并不好过,想尽办法弄吃的,在不同朋友家里寄宿过夜,在别人家长醒来之前离开。期间有一段“好日子”,Liz的男友得到一笔遗产,他们终于有钱可以住在小旅馆,去餐厅吃饭,打车出去玩。好景不长,体贴照顾的男友也渐渐几天不出现,Liz和朋友也差点被旅馆老板当成hooker赶出去,最让她绝望的是,她发现男友吸毒,但这时候,她还是没有勇气离开,甚至男友狂躁地对她挥舞拳头,她也只是变得更畏畏缩缩,为了有饭吃有地方住,像个木偶一样呆着。她很少给父母和姐姐打电话,姐姐告诉她母亲住院让她去看看时,她只去了一次。她无法承受母亲濒死的样子,不敢再去,直到母亲去世。      母亲去世后她很受打击,更是浑浑噩噩。终于有一天,她在小旅馆的电视看新闻,一个单亲妈妈在小旅馆被男友杀害,现场就发生在她窗户对面,她彷佛看着两场直播,想到自己也可能会有那么一天,就那样死在小旅馆,裹上袋子被抬走;又或者像她父母那样一辈子毁了,这才下决心离开。这时她已经十七岁。      她决定重回学校,在她看来,住在大房子里人和他们这些在街上流浪的人隔着一堵厚厚的墙,她想进入墙对面的世界。   她把所有的家当都装在包里,背在背上,白天上课,晚上找不同的地方睡觉,朋友家里,地铁站,楼道……她在本子上写的愿望是有自己的房间,有暖和的被子,有想吃就吃的食物。最后便是她顽强地完成高中学业,和姐姐一起租了公寓,拿到奖学金,考入哈佛。         其实看到中间部分时我只想快速往后翻,我不想看她絮絮叨叨地写和那个混账男友厮混的日子,我希望看到她更详细地写回到学校那两年的高中生活,但那只占了后面的不到20%。也许在她的记忆中,那段流浪无家可归的日子更深刻,更能反映她能走到今天的原因。   她并非超人一般一直意志坚定想要改变自己的命运,她也胆小懦弱,被性骚扰时还是姐姐先带头反抗的,在街上流浪时依赖朋友的照顾,为了温饱留在混账身边,但更是这些真实又复杂的细节,才构成了真实完整的人。      更喜欢电影里的台词:   我非常幸运的是我心中所有的安全感被身体抛弃,我不得不向前看,我必须向前看,没有后退的路。然后我找到了一种状态:“好吧,我要尽我所能的工作,看会发生些什么?”      The world moves. You're just a speck. It can all happen without you. Situations are not conducive to what you want for yourself. Someone else's needs, someone else's plight is going to be stronger than yours is. I think people just get frustrated with how harsh life can be, so they spend their time dwelling on that frustration and calling it anger, keeping their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation, to all the little tiny things that have come together to make it, what it is.   世界在转动,你只是一粒尘埃,就算你消失了,地球仍然转动。现实是不会按照你的意志去改变的,因为别人的意志更强些。生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨愤怒之中,不愿意睁大双眼看清形势, 不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积起来, 造成了这样的局面。     详情 发表于 2013-7-27 05:40
YUQI    因为看了这个电影,在网上看了几个简短的访谈决定看她的自传,两整天看完这三百多页的自传,在看到一半,而再去回忆电影里的情节时,感觉到电影中对人物和故事描述的单一性,感觉就像小时候学校会安排孩子们看的一些”主题“电影,里面的人物似乎总是只有一个性格,一个面。人的多面性,和复杂的心理,千丝万缕仿佛是永远解不开的缠绕。细微的描写,和一段段的自白,让这个感觉遥不可及的故事那么亲近。让人从她的故事里,看到自己,其实我们不都是这样,脆弱又坚强,渴望爱人与被爱,懒惰又勤奋,自私又无私,因为我们都只是人。好像Liz一直说得“那些人”,而最终明白其实我们都只是人而已。“whatever your background may be, the same holds true for each of us: life takes on the meaning that you give it."         ^^  详情 发表于 2013-8-3 10:40
JCWong     我想买此书的时候,该书在大中国还没有上市,我叫人在美国买然后寄回来的。开始看,觉得还是那么回事,看着看着,就失望了。    我发现电影真的是很大程度上升华了Liz Murray 的故事。她的事迹其实没有那么精彩。    她也没有这么正气,不是电影中说的:跟朋友溜达时,不忘手中捧一本书。而是到处玩(当然,在街上不光是玩,还有工作啦),跟男友同居。    也没有这么好学,并没有像电影中所说从小学开始就,用电影里的话说,"Read a lot",只是说自己小的时候其实不怎么看得懂书。PS.书是爸爸从图书馆借了不还得来的。    事迹没有这么凄惨,没有说外公的暴行等等,也没有显出对母亲这么强的依恋。PS.她母亲书火化的,没有该电影中我最感动的:LIZ躺在她母亲棺木上回忆的情景。    还有,她父亲也没有这么聪明。。。等等。。    总之,很失望。还剩50页,我都看不下去了。。。。。。等我哪天看完了,在送上整篇的读后感吧。。。。    后续:要出来澄清一下:我并没有说LIZ不坚强,没有志向,不聪明。只是说电影上的跟真实的大相径庭。或许说两者的精神路线都是不一样的,当然最后都是上了哈佛咯。这个人还是不错的。我只是想说电影和自传有多不同而已。还是希望各位能喜欢她的这本小说,在自己的人生道路上坚强点咯~~~         当然这书从另一角度上说是会比较真实,而且是平凡中的真实。但是,如果你想看到电影里的那种那么揪心的励志,你会失望。            enjoy reading      再ps....LZ只是表达电影和书吻不吻合而已。。。并不是说主人公不好啊,她活出她的出路,和人生的精彩自然值得称赞,LZ只是想说艺术和生活是有差距的,真实也没有什么不好,但不能否认平淡未必有轰轰烈烈那么感人吧。这只是对书整体的一个观感而已。  详情 发表于 2013-8-3 12:21
teamle    29岁的莉兹是纽约人,从她懂事起,就看见父母双双吸毒。为了购买毒品,他们变卖教会送的火鸡,花光福利金,使小小年纪的莉兹和姐姐受冻挨饿。      莉兹说,她全身都长虱子,同学们受不了她的臭味,排挤她、欺负她,她只好休学。而她的母亲手臂布满针孔,还需要两个女儿照顾生活。母亲在莉兹15岁时就感染艾滋病去世。      在莉兹的父亲被送进戒毒所之后,她的姐姐只能睡在朋友家,而16岁的莉兹只能在街上流浪。晚上,她只能睡在火车站或者公园里,也曾经被其他流浪者欺负。      虽然生活极其贫苦,但莉兹并不想步母亲的后尘,决心用知识改变命运。莉兹17岁在夜校念了两年,完成高中学业,2000年获得《纽约时报》颁发的全额奖学金,进入哈佛大学。2006年,莉兹的父亲也因为染上艾滋病去世。莉兹于2009年毕业后继续攻读研究生。      近日,坚强不屈的莉兹出版了自传《Breaking Nights》,感人的故事立刻传遍美国。  详情 发表于 2013-8-8 04:17

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