读这本书最大的遗憾就是某天晚上手贱,鬼使神差的翻到了小说最后一页,结果康奈利还真把代号为“诗人”的杀手真名写到了最后一页。所以《诗人》中让大家所津津乐道的一波三折,在我这儿就大打折扣了。《诗人》写作年代较早,很多FBI的psycho profile和层层剥茧式的推理在CSI和CM里都成家常便饭了。如果论诡谲和强大的知识背景也输于日系推理。
而更重要的是,书里Rachel的一段话,点出了我潜意识里那么痴迷推理小说的原因。当为男主人公Jack解释为什么“诗人”要在杀死男警察之前要把他们催眠并进行性侵犯的时候,Rachel这样说:These people that we hunt...sometimes there is no explanation. That's the hardest part, coming up with the motivation, understanding what drives them to do what they do. We have a saying about it. We say these people are from the moon.Sometimes it is the only way to describe it when we don't have the answers. Trying to figure these people out is like putting a shattered mirror back together. There is no way to explain the behavior of some humans, so we simply say they are not humans. We say they are from the moon. And on the particular moon where the Poet comes from, these instints that he is following are normal and natural. He is following those instincts, creating scenes that give him satisfaction. It's our job to chart the Poet's moon and then we'll be better able to find him and send him back.