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Essays of E. B. White

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-4-2 21:27
  • 签到天数: 4 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      The classic collection by one of the greatest essayists of our time.

    最新书评    共 4 条

    藿香正    最早接触到白老师的文字当然是那本《夏洛的网》。小时候家里没什么书,碰到有字的东西就狂看。夹在《三国演义》和《新中国十大元帅》中看到那本书,一直以为就是一本儿童读物。上了大学才知道白老师的名字。我大学以前实在太无知了。      作为一名理科生,文学的门外汉,下面的内容基本上是在胡说八道。还请专业人士指点迷津。      现在essay这个词翻过来似乎就是“散文”或者“随笔”。但总有种不太恰当的感觉。好像精髓就在“散”与“随”这两个字上面一样。好比我这篇读后感,想到哪写到哪,非常随,非常散,但是完全不能算essay。边都没摸到。      “Only a person who is congenitally self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays.”这句话解答了我长久以来的疑问。就是为什么我现在觉得程序大牛写的文章,读来总是明白晓畅,思路清晰。优秀的程序员和优秀的散文家,本来就是有共通点的嘛。      同样作为文字工作者,诗人总是规格比较高的那个阶层,然后是写小说,然后是写剧本的,最后才轮到写散文的。散文家简直就是文学界的二等公民。没办法,毕竟门槛不高。一个当官的随随便便就可以出一本文集,只要脸皮厚点。你让他写本小说试试?嗯,你再让他写个HelloWorld试试?      不过白老师转身就拿到了普利策奖。虽然都是身外物,可有点这些身外物还是让人宽慰不少的。      最后,今天是世界读书日。基本上,我觉得读这样的书才算是读书。  详情 发表于 2013-9-17 04:08
    Jule    Eudora Welty对这本散文集的评论:      "What joins all these essays together is the love held by the author for what is transitory in life. The transitory more and more becomes one with the beautiful. It is a love so deep that it includes, may well account for, the humor and the poetry and the melancholy AND the dead accuracy filling the essays to the brim, the last respects and the celebrations together."         E. B. White的全名: Elwyn Brooks White, but he went by "Andy" to those who knew him.     详情 发表于 2013-9-17 17:04
    wander    昨天,在读E.B.Whihe的《the winter of the great snow》,我的书的封面不是这个,虽然也是essays of E.B.White,这篇文中的第二段里说,   A fellow recently reported driving a stake into a snowbank,and when the point of the stake reached ground level it kept right on going,I haven't tested this-it's like the gull and the smelt,a matter of herasay.But I would have to have a pretty long stake,so remote is the ground.   不太理解这一段话,不太理解是什么意思,是为了说明下雪天土地不会结冻,木桩可以一直插到土里面去?     详情 发表于 2013-9-24 21:17
    Sharon    Is there an essay called "The Hour of Letdown" in it?  详情 发表于 2013-9-28 06:10

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