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Copyright Tribunal (Procedure) Regulations

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

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    发表于 2012-8-10 11:00:01 | 只看该作者
    56.—(1) Subject to the Act, the Tribunal may, in relation to any proceeding, in special circumstances, and either absolutely or subject to conditions, exempt a person from compliance with any procedural requirements of these Regulations.

    (2) Subject to the Act, non-compliance with any of these Regulations shall not render void a proceeding or an order of the Tribunal, but the proceeding or order may be set aside either wholly or in part as irregular, or amended, or otherwise dealt with, by the Tribunal in such manner and upon such terms as the Tribunal considers fit.

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
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    发表于 2012-8-10 11:00:26 | 只看该作者
    First Schedule

    • Second Schedule - Fees

    • Third Schedule - Witnesses' fees and expenses

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
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    发表于 2012-8-10 11:01:05 | 只看该作者
    FORM 1
    Regulation 16(2)(d)
    (CHAPTER 63)



    To: The Secretary,

    Case File No.______________

    Copyright Tribunal.

    In the Matter of an Inquiry under section 157 of the Copyright Act.
    TAKE NOTICE that I _________________________________________________________
    of _______________________________________________________________________________
    (hereinafter called the Applicant) wish to present a case to the Copyright Tribunal in relation to an Inquiry under section 157 of the Copyright Act to be held ___________________________________
    (Date and Place)
    as advertised in the ______________________________ and Gazette No. ______________________
    (Name of Newspaper)
    dated ________________________.

    The Applicant has a substantial interest in the matter to which the inquiry relates: (Give
    the grounds for this statement).

    The Applicant wishes to adduce the evidence set out in the Statement attached to this Notice and to produce or refer to the documents specified in the list of documents similarly attached.

    The Applicant’s address for service is ____________________________________________
    Made this _________________ day of _________________ 20 _____.



    Filing date

    *Delete whichever is inapplicable.

    Signed *by/*on behalf of
    the Applicant


    Status of signatory if Notice
    is signed on behalf of the

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

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    发表于 2012-8-10 11:01:29 | 只看该作者
    FORM 2
    Regulation 20(3)
    (CHAPTER 63)



    To: Name _____________________

    Case File No. __________________________

    Address ____________________

    In the Matter of an *Application/*Reference under section ___________ of the Copyright Act/*regulation _____________ of the Copyright Tribunal (Procedure) Regulations by__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    TAKE NOTICE than an *Application/*Reference under *section _________ of the Copyright Act/*regulation ___________ of the Copyright Tribunal (Procedure) Regulations bearing case file No. _______________________ has been filed on _______________________ by____________________________ whose address for service is ____________________________
    (Name of *Applicant/*Referor)

    The order sought by the *Applicant/*Referor is:

    The person to whom this Notice is served is, by virtue of ___________________, a party to the *Application/*Reference.

    Made this _______________ day of _______________ 20 ____.



    Filing date

    Signed *by/*on behalf of the *Applicant/*Referor

    (Mr/Mrs/Miss) _____________

    Status of signatory if Notice is signed on behalf of the *Applicant/*Referor


    *Delete whichever is inapplicable.

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2012-8-10 11:02:15 | 只看该作者
    FORM 3
    Regulation 20(6)
    (CHAPTER 63)



    To: The Secretary,

    Case File No. __________________

    Copyright Tribunal.

    In the Matter of an *Application/*Reference under section ___________ of the Copyright Act/*regulation ______________ of the Copyright Tribunal (Procedure) Regulations by__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    TAKE NOTICE that _____________________________________________________,
    (Name and Address of party requesting hearing)
    being a party to the above *Application/*Reference bearing case file No. _______________ and filed on _________________, hereby requests that the matter be dealt with at a preliminary hearing before the Copyright Tribunal.

    The address for service of the party requesting the preliminary hearing is ________________


    Made this ____________ day of _______________ 20 _____.



    Filing date

    Signed *by/*on behalf of


    (Mr/Mrs/Miss) (State Full Name of Party making request)

    Status of signatory if Notice is signed on behalf of the party making the request


    *Delete whichever is inapplicable.

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2012-8-10 11:02:43 | 只看该作者
    FORM 4
    Regulation 21(1)
    (CHAPTER 63)



    Case File No. _________________

    In the Matter of an *Application/*Reference under section ___________ of the Copyright Act/*regulation _____________ of the Copyright Tribunal (Procedure) Regulations by________________________________________________________________________________
    TAKE NOTICE than an *Application/*Reference under *section _________ of the Copyright Act/*regulation ___________ of the Copyright Tribunal (Procedure) Regulations bearing case file No. _________________________ has been filed on ___________________by
    _______________________________________________________ whose address for service is
    (Name of *Applicant/*Referor)
    The order sought by the *Applicant/*Referor is:
    Any person to whom this Notice is given may file with the Secretary, Copyright Tribunal a Notice of Application to be made a party to the proceedings not later than _________.

    Made this ____________ day of ____________ 20 _____.



    Filing date

    Signed *by/*on behalf of the
    (Mr/Mrs/Miss) __________________

    Status of signatory if Notice
    is signed on behalf of the


    *Delete whichever is inapplicable.

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2012-8-10 11:03:24 | 只看该作者
    FORM 4A
    Regulation 21A
    (CHAPTER 63)



    To: The Secretary,

    Case File No. ______________

    Copyright Tribunal.

    In the Matter of an Application under section 43 (3) of the Copyright Act by ______________________________________________________________________________

    1. I ____________________________________of __________________________
    (hereinafter called the Applicant), being –

    *(a) the owner of the copyright subsisting in a literary, dramatic or musical work described in paragraph 2;

    *(b) the maker of the *sound recording/cinematograph film described in paragraph 3,

    hereby apply to the Copyright Tribunal under section 43 (3) of the Copyright Act for an order determining the amount that is equitable remuneration to _____________, the owner of the copyright subsisting in the work described in paragraph 2, for the making of a “sound recording/cinematograph film thereof solely for the purpose of broadcasting of the work or an adaptation thereof.

    The work to which this Application relates is as follows:
    Title of Work_________________________________________________.
    Description of Work ___________________________________________.
    Full name of author or authors ___________________________________.
    If the author, or any one or more of the authors is dead, name of deceased author or authors and date or dates of deaths ________________________.
    Date and place of first publication of Work _________________________.
    Status of author at the date of first publication _______________________.
    *I am the owner of the copyright subsisting in the work (Give grounds for this statement): _______________________________________________________________.
    3. The *sound recording/cinematograph film to which this Application relates is as follows:

    (1) Title of *recording/film _________________________________________.
    (2) Description of *recording/film ____________________________________.
    (3) Full name of maker or makers of *recording/film ____________________.
    (4) Status of maker or makers of the *recording/film ____________________.
    (5) Date and place of making of the *recording/film _____________________.
    *I am the maker of the *sound recording/cinematograph film (Give grounds for this statement): __________________________________________________________ .
    4. The grounds of my Application are as follows:
    (All details which may be relevant to the Application should be set out in a logical order and in numbered paragraphs. Copies of correspondence, etc., should not be attached but relevant particulars of or extracts from the correspondence should be quoted).

    The Applicant’s address for service is ___________________________________

    Made this _______________ day of ________________ 20____.

    Filing date

    Signed *by/*on behalf of the Applicant.

    (Mr/Mrs/Miss) ________________

    Status of signatory if Application is signed on behalf of the Applicant.


    *Delete whichever is inapplicable.

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2012-8-10 11:04:04 | 只看该作者
    FORM 5
    Regulation 22
    (CHAPTER 63)



    To: The Secretary,

    Case File No. ______________

    Copyright Tribunal.

    In the Matter of an Application under section 52 (11) of the Copyright Act by _________

    I __________________________________ of ____________________________
    (hereinafter called the Applicant), being –

    *(a) the owner of the copyright subsisting in a Work described below;

    *(b) the body administering _______________________________________________,
    an educational institution situated at ____________________________________
    hereby apply to the Copyright Tribunal under section 52 (11) of the Copyright Act for an order determining the amount that is equitable remuneration to ________________________________,
    the owner of the copyright subsisting in the Work described below, for the making of copies of

    the Work by or on behalf of the educational institution _________________________________
    situated at _____________________________________________________________________
    for teaching purposes.

    The Work to which this Application relates is as follows:

    Title of Work ________________________________________________.

    Description of Work___________________________________________.

    Full name of author or authors (if known) __________________________.

    *(4) Name and Volume Number of periodical publication containing the Work

    The International Standard
    *Serial/*Book Number,
    if available __________________________________________________.

    Date and place of first publication of Work _________________________.

    Status of author at the date of first publication ______________________.

    *(8) Name of publisher of the edition of the Work _______________________.

    The grounds of my Application are as follows:

    (All details which may be relevant to the Application should be set out in a logical order and in numbered paragraphs. Copies of correspondence, etc., should not be attached but relevant particulars of or extracts from the correspondence should be quoted).

    The Applicant’s address for service is ___________________________________
    _________________________________________________________________ .

    Made this _____________ day of ______________ 20 _____.

    Filing date

    Signed *by/*on behalf of the Applicant.

    (Mr/Mrs/Miss) ________________

    Status of signatory if Application is signed on behalf of the Applicant.


    *Delete whichever is inapplicable.

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2012-8-10 11:04:45 | 只看该作者
    FORM 5A
    Regulation 22A


    Case File No.____________

    To: The Secretary,
    Copyright Tribunal.

    In the Matter of an Application under section 52(11C) of the Copyright Act by ______________________________________________________________

    1. I __________________ of ____________________ (hereinafter called the Applicant), being —
    *(a) the owner of the copyright subsisting in a Work described below;
    *(b) the body administering ______________________________ an educational institution situated at ___________________________,
    hereby apply to the Copyright Tribunal under section 52(11C) of the Copyright Act for an order determining the amount that is equitable remuneration to ___________________________________, the owner of the copyright subsisting in the Work described below, for the making of a communication of the Work by or on behalf of the educational institution _____________________ situated at ________________________ (Name) (Address)
    for educational purposes.
    2. The Work to which this Application relates is as follows:
    (1) Title of Work ___________________________________________.
    (2) Description of Work ______________________________________.
    (3) Full name of author or authors (if known)
    *(4) Name and Volume Number of periodical publication containing the Work _________________________________________________.
    (5) The International Standard *Serial/*Book Number, if available _______________________________________________________.
    (6) Date and place of first publication of Work
    (7) Status of author at the date of first publication _________________.
    *(8) Name of publisher of the edition of the Work __________________.
    3. The grounds of my Application are as follows:
    (All details which may be relevant to the Application should be set out in a logical order and in numbered paragraphs. Copies of correspondence, etc., should not be attached but relevant particulars of or extracts from the correspondence should be quoted).
    4. The Applicant’s address for service is _________________________.

    Made this _______day of ____________ 20 ___.

    ___________________ Filing date.

    _______________________________ Signed *by/*on behalf of the Applicant.


    Status of signatory if Application is signed on behalf of the Applicant.


    * Delete whichever is inapplicable.

  • TA的每日心情

    2013-7-30 12:31
  • 签到天数: 12 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2012-8-10 11:05:16 | 只看该作者
    FORM 6
    Regulation 23
    (CHAPTER 63)



    To: The Secretary,

    Case File No. ______________

    Copyright Tribunal.

    In the Matter of an Application under section 54 (10) of the Copyright Act by ______________________________________________________________________________
    1. I __________________________________ of ____________________________
    (hereinafter called the Applicant), being –

    *(a) the owner of the copyright subsisting in a Work described below;

    *(b) the body administering _______________________________________________,
    an institution assisting handicapped readers situated at __________________________________________________________________
    hereby apply to the Copyright Tribunal for an order determining the amount that is equitable remuneration to ________________________________, the owner of the copyright subsisting in the Work described below, for the making of a handicapped reader’s copy --** ___________ _________________________________ -- of the Work or part thereof by or on behalf of the (Particulars of copy)
    body administering __________________________ an institution assisting handicapped readers
    situated at _____________________________________________________________________
    for use by a handicapped reader for his research or private study or for the purpose of otherwise instructing himself.

    2. The Work to which this Application relates is as follows:

    Title of Work ________________________________________________.

    Description of Work___________________________________________.

    Full name of author or authors (if known) __________________________.

    *(4) Name and Volume Number of periodical publication containing the Work

    (5) The International Standard
    *Serial/*Book Number,
    if available __________________________________________________.

    (6) Date and place of first publication of Work _________________________.

    (7) Status of author at the date of first publication ______________________.

    *(8) Name of publisher of the edition of the Work _______________________.

    3. The grounds of my Application are as follows:

    (All details which may be relevant to the Application should be set out in a logical order and in numbered paragraphs. Copies of correspondence, etc., should not be attached but relevant particulars of or extracts from the correspondence should be quoted).

    The Applicant’s address for service is ___________________________________
    _________________________________________________________________ .

    Made this _____________ day of ______________ 20 _____.



    Filing date

    Signed *by/*on behalf of the Applicant.

    (Mr/Mrs/Miss) ________________

    Status of signatory if Application is signed on behalf of the Applicant

    *Delete whichever is inapplicable.

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