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老虎!老虎!- 吉卜林

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-8-2 17:28
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    约瑟夫·鲁德亚德·吉卜林,英国小说家、诗人。主要作品有诗集《营房谣》《七海》,小说集《生命的阻力》和动物故事《丛林之书》等。1907年作品《老虎!老虎!》获诺贝尔文学奖 。获奖理由: “这位世界名作家的作品以观察入微、想象独特、气概雄浑、叙述卓越见长”。

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    我思故我在  《丛林之书》(1894)和《丛林之书续编》(1895)   这是吉卜林的两本关于森林动物的故事集,内容上互相衔接,以后的版本多把两书合一出版,冠以《丛林之书》的名称。这两本书共包括15个既可互相独立,在内容上又互相有联系的故事。从地理上说,这些故事发生在从印度的狼窝到白令海的海豹栖息地,从喜马拉雅山上的神殿到英国的花园这样广大的地域。在书中充满了许多会说话的、形态夸张、性格各异的动物,并且统统被人格化了,比如有睡眼惺松的棕熊巴罗,脾气暴躁的老虎希尔可汗,黑豹巴格希拉等等,它们个个部有人的名字。这15个故事中有8个是关于一个作为狼孩被养大的印度孩子——英格利的奇遇的。英格利这个名字的意思是“小青蛙”,在第一个故事中他初次出现时,只是一个刚刚会走的赤身露体的棕色小娃娃。他来到了狼窝里,在狼群中度过神奇的生活。大胆的黑豹巴格希拉是他的朋友,棕熊巴罗教给他丛林法则,……在《卡亚的出猎》中他与猴子们发生了冲突,在《老虎,老虎!》中他与老虎希尔可汗发生了冲突,……但他都幸存下来了,在最后一个故事《奔跑着的春天》中,英格利已经快17岁了;由于他的智慧和力量,受到了大家的敬畏,成了丛林的主人。这两本书中的其余7个故事也都是关于动物的故事,唯一的例外是《布伦·巴加特的奇迹》,讲了一个上流社会的人牺牲了自己的财富和地位,而追求一种苦行僧的生活的故事。而《科蒂克》讲了一头白海豹从海豹猎手们手里挽救了成千头海豹同伴的故事。这15个故事每一个的开头和结尾都有一段诗,吉卜林在诗中点明或发挥他所讲故事的要点。在这部书中,吉卜林驰骋其想像的神力,塑造出许多令人难忘的动物形象,从而成为一位通过动物天性来展示人类天性的大师。而这部作品也成了世界儿童文学中的一部不朽之作。  详情 发表于 2013-7-16 11:27
    我思故我在  生活在19世纪末20世纪初那个特定的时代,吉卜林亲身体验了欧洲文明国向全世界的凶猛扩张,也不可避免的经历了随之而来的第一次世界大战。在此期间吉卜林遭受了他人生中最大的痛苦,他的大儿约翰(John)牺牲在1915年的卢斯之战中,为此吉卜林自责地写下了“如果有人问我们为什么死,告诉他们,因为我们的父辈说了谎。”(If any question why we died,Tell them,because our fathers lied),这句话的来由可能是因为吉卜林送儿子参军时,为儿子很差的视力做了很多努力才获得批准。  详情 发表于 2013-7-16 11:29
    我思故我在  许多老版本的吉卜林作品封面,都有一个左向的万十字章 万十字章 (卍),在20世纪30年代以后,为了防止与德国纳粹党的右向万十字章的标志(卐)相混淆,吉卜林下令取消他作品上的所有的万十字章符号,以防止人们误以为他对纳粹党的支持。事实上,卍与纳粹没有任何关系,而是取自古印度的宗教符号,为祈求康健和好运之意。1935年,吉卜林曾作过一个著名的演讲,预见性地警告纳粹的威胁。  详情 发表于 2013-7-16 11:29
    我思故我在  《丛林之书》(1894)和《丛林之书续编》(1895)   这是吉卜林的两本关于森林动物的故事集,内容上互相衔接,以后的版本多把两书合一出版,冠以《丛林之书》的名称。这两本书共包括15个既可互相独立,在内容上又互相有联系的故事。 Jungle Books have been made into several movies. The first was made by producer Alexander Korda, and other films have been produced by the Walt Disney Company  详情 发表于 2013-7-16 11:32
    我思故我在  After his son's death, Kipling wrote, "If any question why we died/ Tell them, because our fathers lied." It is speculated that these words may reveal his feelings of guilt at his role in getting John a commission in the Irish Guards.[59] John's death has been linked to Kipling's 1916 poem "My Boy Jack".  详情 发表于 2013-7-16 11:37

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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-8-2 17:28
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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:50:09 | 只看该作者 标记书签
    The anime was also dubbed in Arabic under the title "فتى الأدغال " (Fatah El Adghal: Boy Of The Jungle) and became a hit with Arab viewers in the 1990s.

    In 1973, another animated adaptation was released in the Soviet Union called "Mowgli" (Маугли), also known as the 'heroic' version of the story.

    It's also very close to the book's storyline, and one of the few adaptations which has Bagheera as a female panther. It also features stories from The Second Jungle Book, such as Red Dog and a simplified version of The King's Ankus. "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" has also been released in 1954 as a cartoon and in 1976 as a feature film. The former made its way into the hearts of viewers and is even now sometimes aired by TV stations of the Former Soviet Union countries as a classic of Soviet animation. Interestingly, in keeping with Soviet ideology, the Colonial English family in Rikki-Tikki-Tavi has been replaced with an Indian family.

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:49:26 | 只看该作者 标记书签

    There was a Japanese anime television series called Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli broadcast in 1989.
    Its adaptation represents a compromise between the original stories and the Walt Disney version. Many of Kipling's stories are adapted into the series, but many elements are combined and changed to suit more modern sensibilities. For instance, Akela, the wolf pack alpha eventually steps aside, but instead of being threatened with death, he stays on as the new leader's advisor. Also, there is an Indian family in the series which includes Rikki-Tikki-Tavi as a pet mongoose. Finally at the series' conclusion, Mowgli leaves the jungle for human civilization, but still keeps strong ties with his animal friends.
    The Japanese anime was dubbed in Hindi and telecast as "Jungle Book" by Doordarshan in India during the early 1990s. The Indian version featured original music by Vishal Bharadwaj (with words by noted lyricist Gulzar) and a very good choice of dubbing artistes for the voice acting (Nana Patekar doing the voice over for Sher Khan), which made it quite popular among television series of that time.

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:48:48 | 只看该作者 标记书签
    迪斯尼动画制作 Animation

    Walt Disney's 1967 animated film version, inspired by the Mowgli stories, was extremely popular, though it took great liberties with the plot, characters and the pronunciation of the characters' names. These characterizations were further used in the 1990 animated series TaleSpin, which featured several anthropomorphic characters loosely based on those from the film in an comic aviation-industry setting.

    Chuck Jones' made for-TV cartoons Mowgli's Brothers, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and The White Seal stick to the original storylines more closely than most adaptations.

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:47:58 | 只看该作者 标记书签
    Live-action film(电影)

    "Toomai of the Elephants" was filmed as Elephant Boy (1937), starring Sabu Dastagir. In the 1960s there was a television series of the same name, loosely based on the story and film.

    Jungle Book (1942 film) - directed by Zoltán Korda, starring Sabu Dastagir as Mowgli.

    The Jungle Book (1994 film) - starring Jason Scott Lee as Mowgli.

    The Second Jungle Book: Mowgli and Baloo (1997) - starring Jamie Williams as Mowgli.

    The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story (1998) - starring Brandon Baker as Mowgli.

    The Jungle Book, an upcoming adaptation that will begin production in September 2007 and continue for two years.

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:47:11 | 只看该作者 标记书签

    A comic book series Petit d'homme ("Man Cub") was published in Belgium between 1996 and 2003. Written by Crisse and drawn by Marc N'Guessan and Guy Michel, it resets the stories in a post-apocalyptic world in which Mowgli's friends are humans rather than animals: Baloo is an elderly doctor, Bagheera is a fierce African woman warrior and Kaa is a former army sniper.

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:46:42 | 只看该作者 标记书签

    Main article: The Jungle Book characters
    Mowgli - Main character, the young jungle boy.
    Father Wolf - The Father Wolf who raised Mowgli as his own cub
    Raksha - The Mother wolf who raised Mowgli as her own cub
    Grey brother - One of Mother and Father Wolf's cubs
    Hathi - An Indian Elephant
    Bagheera - A melanistic (black) leopard
    Baloo- A Sloth Bear
    Kaa - Indian Python
    Shere Khan - A Bengal Tiger
    Akela - An Indian Wolf
    Tabaqui - A Golden Jackal
    Chil - A kite
    Mor - An Indian Peafowl
    Mang - A Bat
    Ikki - An Asiatic Brush-tailed Porcupine (mentioned only)
    The Bandar log - A tribe of monkeys
    Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - An Indian Mongoose
    Darzee - A tailorbird
    Chuchundra - A Muskrat
    Nag - A male King cobra
    Nagaina - A female King cobra. Nag's mate
    Karait a Common Krait
    Kotick - The White Seal
    Sea catch - A Northern fur seal and Kotick's father
    Sea vitch - A Walrus
    Sea cow - A Manatee

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:46:13 | 只看该作者 标记书签
    1. Mowgli's Brothers: A boy is raised by wolves in the Indian Jungle with the help of Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther,  and then has to fight the tiger Shere Khan.
    This story has also been published as a short book in its own right. Night-Song in the Jungle

    2. Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack

    3. Kaa's Hunting: This story takes place before Mowgli fights Shere Khan. When Mowgli is abducted by monkeys, Baloo and Bagheera set out to rescue him with the aid of Chil the Kite and Kaa the python. Maxims of Baloo.

    4. Road Song of the Bandar-Log

    5. Tiger! Tiger!: Mowgli returns to the human village and is adopted by Messua and her husband who believe him to be their long-lost son Nathoo. But he has trouble adjusting to human life, and Shere Khan still wants to kill him. The story's title is taken from the poem "The Tyger" by William Blake.

    6. Mowgli's Song

    7. The White Seal: Kotick, a rare white-furred seal, searches for a new home for his people, where they will not be hunted by humans.

    8. Lukannon

    9. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi: Rikki-Tikki the mongoose defends a human family living in India against a pair of cobras. This story has also been published as a short book.

    10. Darzee's Chant

    11. Toomai of the Elephants: Toomai, a ten-year old boy who helps to tend working elephants, is told that he will never be a full-fledged elephant-handler until he has seen the elephants dance. This story has also been published as a short book.

    12. Shiv and the Grasshopper

    13. Her Majesty's Servants (originally titled "Servants of the Queen"): On the night before a military parade a British soldier eavesdrops on a conversation between the camp animals.

    14. Parade-Song of the Camp Animals parodies several well-known songs and poems, including Bonnie Dundee.

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:42:25 | 只看该作者 标记书签
    With the aid of Akela, Mowgli and Grey Brother divide the buffalo herd in two and stampede them from opposite ends of the ravine, trampling the tiger between them.

    Mowgli, who has promised to lay Shere Khan's skin on the wolf pack's Council Rock, sets about skinning the tiger. Buldeo has been told of the stampede by the other village boys, and soon arrives to chastise Mowgli. Buldeo demands that Mowgli hand the skin over to him for the reward. Mowgli refuses, and summons Akela to restrain him.

    When Mowgli and Akela let him go the hunter returns to the village and tells the villagers Mowgli is a shapeshifting sorcerer. By the time the unsuspecting Mowgli returns with the buffalo, Buldeo has turned the entire village except Messua against him and they drive him away.

    Confused and disgusted by their behaviour, Mowgli fulfils his promise to lay out Shere Khan's hide on Council Rock and dances upon it, singing of his emotional confusion. The pack offers to take Mowgli back, but he refuses to forgive them for casting him out earlier. Instead he decides that from now on he will hunt alone, except for his four wolf-brothers who refuse to be parted from him.

    The story is continued in "Letting in the Jungle", collected in The Second Jungle Book.

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     楼主| 发表于 2013-7-16 11:42:16 | 只看该作者 标记书签
    After driving out the tiger Shere Khan, Mowgli leaves the wolf pack that has raised him and makes his way to a human village to be with his own (biological) kind. There he is adopted by a bereaved couple, Messua and her husband, who believe he is their long-lost son Nathoo. The village priest agrees to this because it will keep Messua's rich husband happy.

    For three months Mowgli learns human language and customs such as wearing clothes, ploughing, money and caste divisions, few of which impress him. He is also disrespectful to the village elders when they tell fanciful tales of the jungle, since he has first-hand experience of what the jungle is really like. This earns him the particular contempt of Buldeo, the village's chief hunter who claims that the tiger is the reincarnation of a lame money-lender. What is not fanciful is the 100-rupee reward for the tiger's skin.

    During this period, Mowgli regularly sneaks out of the village to meet his wolf friend Grey Brother who brings him news of the jungle.

    To keep Mowgli out of trouble the village elders decide to put him to work herding buffalo. One day while taking a break from this task he meets Grey Brother again. The wolf tells him that Shere Khan has returned and is planning to kill Mowgli.

    For the next few weeks Grey Brother keeps watch on Shere Khan while Mowgli goes about his tasks in the village. Eventually he meets Mowgli again and tells him that Shere Khan is hiding in a nearby ravine in preparation to attack. Mowgli learns that Grey Brother obtained this information from Shere Khan's accomplice Tabaqui the jackal, before killing him.

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