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A Dance with Dragons

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-4-2 21:27
  • 签到天数: 4 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      Dubbed “the American Tolkien” by Time magazine, George R. R. Martin has earned international acclaim for his monumental cycle of epic fantasy. Now the #1 New York Times bestselling author delivers the fifth book in his spellbinding landmark series--as both familiar faces and surprising new forces vie for a foothold in a fragmented empire.
      In the aftermath of a colossal battle, the future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in the balance once again--beset by newly emerging threats from every direction. In the east, Daenerys Targaryen, the last scion of House Targaryen, rules with her three dragons as queen of a city built on dust and death. But Daenerys has three times three thousand enemies, and many have set out to find her. Yet, as they gather, one young man embarks upon his own quest for the queen, with an entirely different goal in mind.
      To the north lies the mammoth Wall of ice and stone--a structure only as strong as those guarding it. There, Jon Snow, 998th Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, will face his greatest challenge yet. For he has powerful foes not only within the Watch but also beyond, in the land of the creatures of ice.
      And from all corners, bitter conflicts soon reignite, intimate betrayals are perpetrated, and a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and skinchangers, nobles and slaves, will face seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Some will fail, others will grow in the strength of darkness. But in a time of rising restlessness, the tides of destiny and politics will lead inevitably to the greatest dance of all. . . .

      George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.

    最新书评    共 1 条

    Apple    2012年10月26日 星期五 阴雨   终于看完冰火的第五部,A Dance With The Dragons.自六月接触冰火开始,便一发而不可收,一部一部啃下来,A Game Of Thrones, A Clash Of Kings, A Storm Of Swords, A Feast Of Crows. 直到今天,仲秋时节的一个阴郁的早晨。   Stark家族的人物,故事,最是让我触动,和记忆深刻。悲剧的家族,然而,勇气,忠诚,果敢,坚韧,还有,深深的爱,和敬畏,对家,对家族,对树,对土地,对自然,甚至,对寒冬。Winter is coming,是家族的箴言,为此,坚硬的活着,战斗者,虽然,柔软,在深深的里面,内心。 五个孩子的命运,这样让人为之起伏,扼腕叹息。成为北方之王的长子Rob,战场上无一败仗,但是,却因为人事,因为相信自己的好伙伴,和,为爱的决定,诺的违背,不仅丧失了Winterfield,北方之地,也赔上了自己的性命。   开始,是很不喜欢Susan的,自私,虚荣,典型的贵族(和向往贵族)的少女。但是,随着他们的父亲,英勇忠诚的Ned,因为她的王子,成为了七国之王的Jeffery的命令,被砍头之后,终于逐步认清了真相。忍耐,忍耐,直到,离开王地,在与Littlefinger与她的姑母的一起生活中,越来越,成熟,长大。内心也是有爱的她,期冀的,是什么呢?曾经温暖其乐融融的家,家人,一个一个失去。似乎,只留下了她,独自在越来越寒冷的冬天里,守护着内心的温暖。   Ayre呢?从开始的出镜,这个不安于织补刺绣闺中之事不守规矩的女孩,就让我的情绪与她一起起起伏伏。与姐姐的冲突,对男孩们能够练剑的渴望,还有,与同父异母哥哥Jon的相依亲情,一再的,引起心底的共鸣。每个人,都走着自己的路,受着自己的苦,但是Ayre,似乎是兄弟姊妹中,最境况独特磨难重重,但又常常绝境重生的吧。在黑白神殿,她的受训,将指向何处?Who are you? Nobody。既非那个临冬城的贵族少女,也不是奔逃路上的种种,更不是受训过程中所扮演的各样身份。独立顽强的她,在藏起needle(针)的时候,可会希望有再拿起它,与哥哥相聚的一天?   还有Bran,还有Ron,还有最小的,只有三四岁的他们的小弟弟。除了年幼面目相对比较模糊的小弟弟,Stark家族的上面四个孩子加Ron,都如此的坚韧而独特。   除了Stark家族,还有其他的几大家族,和许许多多的我常常记不住名字辨不清身份的家族与角色。人物之复杂而生动,真堪比曹雪芹的《红楼梦》。 没有一个人是全然的好,或者坏,都带着自己出身的烙印,都有着自己的真实的现实考虑,从而选择,与承受。悲与喜,个人的悲惧,常常独自承受。   一个骑士的时代,但骑士的精神,还是只在于各自的内心。成为英雄,何其艰难,期间的历程,心路,真非辛苦二字可述。即便不是英雄,仅仅只是完成自己,都如此不易。   成长的路,在冰火的旅途上,每个人都在挣扎,努力。      天,尚未明;结尾,远未出现。   但是,这一段人生,旁观的我们,又何尝真正旁观?   不知前路如何,我们还是只能,风雨兼程,跋涉。在共同的“生,老,病,死,爱离别,怨憎会,求不得”中,向前。。。。。。        详情 发表于 2013-8-2 10:10

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