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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-7-30 12:31
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    发表于 2012-3-27 10:27:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:35:59 | 只看该作者
    Wen Jiabao was China's premier until March 2013, when his successor Li Keqiang took the reins.
    Bo Xilai's dismissal had been interpreted by some as part of a political struggle between supporters of former President Jiang Zemin and supporters of Mr Wen and former President Hu Jintao, who were considered to be more open to reform.
    Mr Wen indirectly criticised Bo Xilai at his last National People's Congress news conference in April 2012.
    Although he did not name Mr Bo directly, he said that local authorities must "seriously" reflect and learn from the Wang Lijun incident.
    He also touched on China's Cultural Revolution, a chaotic 10-year period when normal life was turned on its head.
    He warned that China could experience a similar period of instability without political reforms, and that "the mistakes of the Cultural Revolution… have yet to be fully eliminated".
    This was seen as criticism of Bo Xilai's approach in Chongqing.
    Mr Bo had enjoyed reminding people of the days of the Cultural Revolution by sending volunteers into the countryside and giving rousing speeches about China's communist past - moves that gained him many left-wing supporters.

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:34:40 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:32:51 | 只看该作者
    Bo Guagua, 25, is the son of Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai.
    He studied at one of Britain's most expensive private schools, Harrow, before going on to Oxford University and then Harvard.
    Bo Guagua has been described as one of China's younger "princelings" - the descendants of revolutionary leaders who are often criticised for the privileges they enjoy.
    Photographs that appear to show him enjoying himself at parties have whizzed around internet sites, as has criticism of his perceived decadent lifestyle.
    Chinese state media have also linked him to Neil Heywood, saying both he and his mother "were on good terms with Heywood. However, they had conflict over economic interests".
    Bo Guagua was in the US studying at Harvard when scandal engulfed his family. He has since remained there and is to start a law degree at Columbia University in New York.
    He has issued statements defending his parents, most recently on 20 August 2013.
    "It has been 18 months since I have been denied contact with either my father or my mother. I can only surmise the conditions of their clandestine detention and the adversity they each endure in solitude," he said in a statement to the New York Times.
    "I hope that in my father's upcoming trial, he is granted the opportunity to answer his critics and defend himself without constraints of any kind."
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:31:17 | 只看该作者
    2012年12月21日 发表于 2013-8-22 17:30
    The second wife of Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai was a well-known lawyer whose father was a prominent revolu ...

    Bo Xilai was once a top politician tipped for the highest office.

    Son of a famous communist hero, he ran the coastal city of Dalian and then became commerce minister before being named Communist Party chief of Chongqing.

    He was known for launching two high-profile campaigns in Chongqing - one to promote China's communist past and the other to crack down on organised crime.

    At home in front of the cameras, he was seen as both populist and charismatic. Many believed he was in the running for promotion in China's 10-yearly leadership transition in 2012.

    But Mr Bo was removed as Chongqing party chief on 15 March of that year and suspended from the Communist Party's hugely powerful 25-member politburo and Central Committee. He has not been seen in public since.

    On 25 July 2013, state media reported that Mr Bo had been charged with bribery, corruption and abuse of power.

    He is set to be tried on 22 August 2013 at the Intermediate People's Court in Jinan.
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:30:00 | 只看该作者
    大爱无疆 发表于 2012-8-10 12:06
    这个人据说是北京开来律师事务所的主任,据说是北京大学法学毕业生,据说写过叫《胜诉在美国》、《我 ...

    The second wife of Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai was a well-known lawyer whose father was a prominent revolutionary.

    Gu Kailai studied at Peking University and then opened the Kailai law firm in Beijing. Fluent in English, she wrote a book about her legal battles called Winning a Lawsuit in the US.

    She and her husband were once one of China's most powerful couples - until an announcement in April 2012 that she was being investigated for the murder of Neil Heywood.

    Gu Kailai was put on trial on 9 August 2012 for the murder - a crime she committed, according to state media, because of a conflict over economic interests.

    A court official said she did not contest the charges, with state media saying she blamed her actions on a "mental breakdown".

    She reportedly said she would "accept and calmly face any sentence" for poisoning the British businessman with cyanide.

    On 20 August 2012, she was convicted of Mr Heywood's murder and given a suspended death sentence.
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:28:36 | 只看该作者
    The death of British businessman Neil Heywood in the Chinese city of Chongqing in November 2011 sparked the biggest shake-up to hit the Communist Party in decades and exposed high-level political divisions.

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:14:50 | 只看该作者
    2012年12月21日 发表于 2013-8-22 17:13
    "I hope the judge will try this case fairly and justly according to the law of the country," Mr Bo r ...

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:13:39 | 只看该作者
    "I hope the judge will try this case fairly and justly according to the law of the country," Mr Bo reportedly said.
    Five of Mr Bo's relatives are said to be in court, along with 19 journalists and 84 other people. Foreign journalists have not been allowed in.
    According to the indictment posted by the court, Mr Bo is accused of receiving bribes totalling 21.8m yuan ($3.56m; £2.28m) from two Dalian-based businessmen.
    The court microblog quoted Mr Bo as saying about one of the cases: "That Tang Xiaolin gave me three bribes - that did not happen. He asked me to help him sort out something, and these were all done according to procedure."

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:11:47 | 只看该作者
    Two years ago the 64-year-old high-flier was seen as a candidate for promotion to the Politburo Standing Committee, China's seven-member top decision-making body.
    But in February 2012, as China prepared for its once-in-a-decade leadership handover, questions emerged over the death of the British businessman, Neil Heywood.

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-12 09:15
  • 签到天数: 15 天

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    发表于 2013-8-22 17:10:04 | 只看该作者
    人民网北京8月22日电 薄熙来受贿、贪污、滥用职权案今天上午在济南市中级人民法院一审公开开庭审理。据济南中院官方微博发布的文字实录,审判长表示,鉴于本案指控的事实较为复杂,法庭将分别对公诉机关指控被告人的主体身份、受贿、贪污、滥用职权以及本案案发和涉案款物扣押冻结情况这五个方面的案件事实进行调查。

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