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Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited (Perennial Classics)



  In 1958, Aldous Huxley wrote what might be called a sequel to his novel Brave New World, published in 1932, but it was a sequel that did not revisit the story or the characters, or re-enter the world of the novel. Instead, he revisited that world in a set of 12 essays. Taking a second look at specific aspects of the future Huxley imagined in Brave New World, Huxley meditated on how his fantasy seemed to be turning into reality, frighteningly and much more quickly than he had ever dreamed.
  That he had been so prophetic in 1931 about the dystopian future gave Huxley no comfort. He was a far more serious man in 1958 -- at the age of 64 -- and the world was a very different place, transformed by the catastrophe of World War II, the advent of nuclear weapons and the grip of the Cold War. Looking behind the Iron Curtain, where people were not free but dominated by totalitarian power, Huxley could only bow to the grim prophecy of his friend (and, briefly, his student at Eton) George Orwell in the novel 1984. In the free world, however, the situation seemed even more to be one for despair. For it seemed to Huxley that people were well on their way to giving up their freedom and the sanctity of their individualism, in exchange for the illusions of comfort and sensory pleasure -- just as they had in Brave New World.
  Huxley heard, in 1958, a world full of the noise of what he called singing commercials, flooding the mass media, much like the hypnopaedia that shaped conscious thought in the world of the novel. He saw people everywhere in greater numbers taking tranquilizer drugs, to surrender to the unacceptable aspects of modern life -- not unlike the drug called soma that everyone takes in the novel. The power of propaganda, he believed, had been validated by the rise of Hitler, and the postwar world was using it effectively to manipulate the masses. Overpopulation was already a critical issue in 1958, and Huxley saw the emergence of an overpopulated world in which the chaos was, more and more, being countered by centralized control -- closer, it seemed, to the future of Brave New World, where the ultimate controlling capitalist of Huxleys early years, Henry Ford, had become the equivalent of God.
  In the end, Brave New World Revisited despairs of what has come to pass, primarily modern humankinds willingness to surrender freedom for pleasure. Huxley quotes from the episode of the Grand Inquisitor in The Brothers Karamazov -- For nothing, the Inquisitor insists, has ever been more insupportable for a man or a human society than freedom. Huxley worried that the cry of "Give me liberty or give me death" could easily be replaced by "Give me television and hamburgers, but dont bother me with the responsibilities of liberty." He saw hope in the form of education, even the most pious, orthodox and inefficient kind of education -- education that can teach people to see beyond the easy slogans, efficient ends and anesthetic influences of propaganda. Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for every long, Huxley concluded. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them.

  An extraordinary man in an extraordinary age, writer Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963) brought to his work a strong sense of the world into which he was born -- amid the rarefied privilege of a distinguished English family -- transformed by a wicked, probing intelligence and a restless soul.
  Huxley's grandfather was the eminent biologist and writer Thomas Huxley, who helped Darwin realize the theory of evolution, and his mother was the niece of the poet Matthew Arnold. (Huxley's brother Julian also became an esteemed writer and their half-brother Andrew won a 1963 Nobel Prize in physiology.) When vision problems dashed his hopes of studying medicine, Huxley turned to writing and became associated with the magazine Aetheneum. He enjoyed success early, poking fun at the pretensions of society in such satirical novels as Crome Yellow and Antic Hay. As a young man, he spent considerable time in the finest intellectual company -- Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, Bertrand Russell -- and by his early 30s was one of England's most important new writers.
  The publication of Brave New World in 1932 signaled a sea-change in Huxley. Maturity brought on a growing interest in political, philosophical and even spiritual matters that informs other novels of ideas such Eyeless in Gaza, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan and Time Must Have a Stop. His friend D.H. Lawrence (Huxley edited his letters in 1932) encouraged his spiritual journey. The concerns he began to express in Brave New World dominated his thinking and most of his work that followed. In 1947, Huxley found a home in southern California, continuing to write probing fiction and essays (plus the occasional film script for MGM) while exploring Eastern religions and, for a brief time, hallucinogenic drugs. In 1958, he was moved to write a despairing sequel, in the form of essays, in Brave New World Revisited. Aldous Huxley died on November 22, 1963, a milestone completely overshadowed by the all-consuming public grief over the assassination of President John F. Kennedy -- an irony he might have appreciated.

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