As a diplomat and powers leaders, albright collection and use the contemporary world brooch often cementation of various important affairs and their subtle moods. She with vivid and interesting and wise words, describes her collection the brooch dribs and drabs. Encyclopedia of more than 2m picture charge with precious picture, which is about jewelry, global political as well as the most the most charming achievement, the diplomat's life to be both engaging and funny story. Can say this entirely new works with pictures, half memoirs, the half is society.
作为一个外交家和大国领导人,奥尔布赖特收藏与使用胸针往往胶结着当代世界的各种重要事务和自己的微妙心境。她以生动有趣又充满智慧的文字,叙述了她收藏胸针的点点滴滴。全书还收有两百多幅珍贵的照片,伴随其中的是关于珠宝、全球政治以及作为美国最有成就、最为迷人的外交家的生活里既引人入胜又风趣幽默的故事。可以说这部别开生面的作品,一半是穿插图片的回忆录,一半是社会史。 |