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The Lifecycle of Software Objects

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-4-11 21:45
  • 签到天数: 2 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      What's the best way to create artificial intelligence? In 1950, Alan Turing wrote, 'Many people think that a very abstract activity, like the playing of chess, would be best. It can also be maintained that it is best to provide the machine with the best sense organs that money can buy, and then teach it to understand and speak English. This process could follow the normal teaching of a child. Things would be pointed out and named, etc. Again I do not know what the right answer is, but I think both approaches should be tried.'
      The first approach has been tried many times in both science fiction and reality. In this new novella, at over 30,000 words, his longest work to date, Ted Chiang offers a detailed imagining of how the second approach might work within the contemporary landscape of startup companies, massively-multiplayer online gaming, and open-source software. It's a story of two people and the artificial intelligences they helped create, following them for more than a decade as they deal with the upgrades and obsolescence that are inevitable in the world of software. At the same time, it's an examination of the difference between processing power and intelligence, and of what it means to have a real relationship with an artificial entity.

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    Scalle    在谈到零一欲望想让数码体去做的事情时,安娜有一段讨论。认为让数码体去喜欢上一个注定的对象,并且发生性关系,其实完全是没有任何自由意志存在的。“如果人可以修改数码体的奖惩映射图,或者不断回滚直到他调出完美的状态,那相互妥协又在哪里呢?”      把数码体当成工具,仅仅是复制和加速其中某一技能/经验的发展。另一种像安娜一样,几乎从不挂起,也极少回滚,是在用经验培养它拥有探索世界能力和自己做判断的自由意志(按照小说里,是成为法人)这两条路,是根本不可兼容。对前者来说,后者根本是多余的。      而后者,基本依赖于经验,这是唯一不可替代的养料,也是无法被加速和抽象的东西。至少在小说里如此。小说里也反复在问,对于数码体(其实即人工智能),这种培养有什么意义?它的主人花费大量的时间和陪伴,但也许永远也无法正常工作或者拥有超乎一般的高智能。这样的数码体到底有什么用?      自由意志对于人智来说意味着什么?而经验是它的必经之途么?      在安娜最后的想象里,她的目的,只是为了贾克斯能够获得更完满的生活(通过更多的真实世界的社交和其他经验,帮助它获得自由意志)而这一切,都是为了“想象他爱着,被爱着,争吵着与妥协着。想象他做出许多的牺牲,有些很困难,但有些又举重若轻,因为是为了他真心在乎的某个人”。      仅仅如此而已。      所以不修改奖惩图的人智,最后期望获得的是意志自由,而这个的终点,只是指向爱。爱为什么比其他的价值重要?比其他的有用性更重要?      ————   ps 德雷克对安娜的感情,终于像一个男作家写的爱情故事了。要理解我这句的潜台词,请去读某些女性作家想象的男性视角。        详情 发表于 2013-8-14 12:23

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