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The Children of the Sky

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-4-11 21:45
  • 签到天数: 2 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      Ten years have passed on Tines World, where Ravna Bergnsdot and a number of human children ended up after a disaster that nearly obliterated humankind throughout the galaxy. Ravna and the pack animals for which the planet is named have survived a war, and Ravna has saved more than one hundred children who were in cold-sleep aboard the vessel that brought them. While there is peace among the Tines, there are those among them - and among the humans - who seek power...and no matter the cost, these malcontents are determined to overturn the fledgling civilization that has taken root since the humans landed. On a world of fascinating wonders and terrifying dangers, Vernor Vinge has created a powerful novel of adventure and discovery that will entrance the many readers of "A Fire Upon the Deep". Filled with the inventiveness, excitement, and human drama that have become hallmarks of his work, this new novel is sure to become another great milestone in Vinge's already stellar career.

    最新书评    共 3 条

    Palpat    反正这肯定是三部曲的第二本了。那么我们来讨论以下有什么伏笔可能会在第三本中有重要作用吧。   我先来说两个。首先界区波动最后肯定要演化成风暴,把界限推回去,一方面把和瘟疫的决战提前,一方面也给爪族机会进入飞跃。文奇曾经访谈的时候说过写这本书的时候是以呱啦啦的全文放在面前开始写的,说明呱啦啦算是半个官方历史了。而呱啦啦里拉弗娜和剜刀同时出现,不可能发生在很久的未来。   第二个,爪族的神是个十二分体。而十二在爪族的计数系统里没有特殊含义(10进制和4进制)。铁先生设想爪族进入超限界以后也许能超过八个个体,这说不定就是真的。如果爪族天人超过八个,也许十二个的爪族是个power above power?  详情 发表于 2013-8-4 13:54
    文化公    一方面此书是《深渊上的火》的合理续集,另一方面此书一反作者前2部作品靠创意、科技赢得读者,高科技低科技两条主线的套路,转而使用低科技一条主线靠剧情和人物挑大梁,个人认为这个尝试不是很成功。令人失望的几个地方是:   1. 全部剧情都发生在爪族行星上面,完全没有其他界区的事情   2. 技术描写不多,情节的进展全在政治斗争上面。斗争是否幼稚见仁见智了,反正不怎么吸引人。   3. 瘟疫舰队只做为背景出现,成了吓唬人的纸老虎   4. 结尾留下很多未解决的问题,貌似需要下一部来解决,不过下一部又不知道要等多久了      总之这么多年后重见《深渊上的火》的一班人物还是很高兴的,但是和作者以前的作品以及其他科幻佳作比,此书算不上优秀,3.5星吧。  详情 发表于 2013-8-4 15:15
    suber    终于看完了Vernor Vinge的新著The Children of the Sky。书名似乎可译为《天空之子》,如果进一步缩为天子就有点搞笑了。没有《天渊》和《深渊上的火》那种惊艳,对未来科技的幻想设定被缩到最低限度,取而代之的是中世纪式的权力斗争以及简单到有点幼稚的情感戏。总体来说还是一部很有故事的优秀作品。  详情 发表于 2013-8-25 17:05

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