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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-30 17:41
  • 签到天数: 1 天

    连续签到: 1 天


      The Human-Covenant war rages on as the alien juggernaut sweeps inexorably toward its final goal: destruction of all human life!
      Halo has been destroyed, and the threat it posed to sentient life, neutralized. But victory has come at a terrible cost for the UNSC. Thousands of valiant soldiers fell in the battle to prevent the alien construct from falling into the enemy’s clutches.
      Now, everything depends on the Spartan known as the “Master Chief.” Yet even with the aid of the artificial intelligence Cortana, the Master Chief will be hard-pressed to rescue survivors and evade the Covenant ships patrolling the remains of Halo in debris-strewn space.
      Ahead lies a dangerous voyage home, through a gauntlet of Covenant forces. For the sake of all, the Master Chief and his war-torn squad must not only survive, but take the fight to the enemy with a decisive first strike.
      This novel is based on a Mature-rated video game.
      Bungie, Halo, Xbox, the Microsoft Game Studios logo and the Xbox Logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Used under license.  2003 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    最新书评    共 1 条

    Топ    我对《光晕》感兴趣是在高中时期,那时是在网吧玩游戏,里边装了《光晕-最后一战》,当时我之所以放弃了历练已久的魔兽而去玩《光晕》,完全是被其中的游戏的场景和情节所吸引,再后来,找到并有幸拜读了其中文译文。      二十六世纪,人类“无法避免”的进行了外星殖民,在星际进行着疯狂的光速迁跃。自然,人类和外星生命遭遇并不断的战争,不约而同地朝着一个致命武器进行争夺,由此,一个可以毁灭所以生命的魔鬼被开启,斗争从此升级。作为主角的士官长--斯巴达117被迫推到扮演救世主的舞台--对于人类和外星人。  详情 发表于 2013-8-6 17:14

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