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The Yiddish Policemen's Union

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-8 19:16
  • 签到天数: 24 天

    连续签到: 1 天


       For sixty years, Jewish refugees and their descendants have prospered in the Federal District of Sitka, a "temporary" safe haven created in the wake of revelations of the Holocaust and the shocking 1948 collapse of the fledgling state of Israel. Proud, grateful, and longing to be American, the Jews of the Sitka District have created their own little world in the Alaskan panhandle, a vibrant, gritty, soulful, and complex frontier city that moves to the music of Yiddish. For sixty years they have been left alone, neglected and half-forgotten in a backwater of history. Now the District is set to revert to Alaskan control, and their dream is coming to an end: once again the tides of history threaten to sweep them up and carry them off into the unknown. </p>
       But homicide detective Meyer Landsman of the District Police has enough problems without worrying about the upcoming Reversion. His life is a shambles, his marriage a wreck, his career a disaster. He and his half-Tlingit partner, Berko Shemets, can't catch a break in any of their outstanding cases. Landsman's new supervisor is the love of his life—and also his worst nightmare. And in the cheap hotel where he has washed up, someone has just committed a murder—right under Landsman's nose. Out of habit, obligation, and a mysterious sense that it somehow offers him a shot at redeeming himself, Landsman begins to investigate the killing of his neighbor, a former chess prodigy. But when word comes down from on high that the case is to be dropped immediately, Landsman soon finds himself contending with all the powerful forces of faith, obsession, hopefulness, evil, and salvation that are his heritage—and with the unfinished business of his marriage to Bina Gelbfish, the one person who understands his darkest fears. </p>
       At once a gripping whodunit, a love story, an homage to 1940s noir, and an exploration of the mysteries of exile and redemption, The Yiddish Policemen's Union is a novel only Michael Chabon could have written. </p>

    最新书评    共 2 条

    文化公    恩,要不你会很后悔,我读了一半就有点读不下去,想了想都读了一半了放弃有点可惜才继续读完。首先这个小说和科幻半点关系都没有,不要被其得了星云奖所迷惑,也不要看有人贴了科幻标签,这个小说中的科幻内容就是0。这个小说确实是讲探案的,但里面没有什么悬疑或者逻辑推理,如果把它当作侦探小说看要小心了,因为其情节很单薄,进展超慢而且没什么吸引人的地方,如果你放下书去干别的,基本没什么意愿让你重新拿起书来继续读下去。      本书属于架空历史类型,但这里此书也没什么亮点,书中所描述的另一种历史没什么特色,除了犹太人跑到了阿拉斯加以外其他和我们所在的现实没什么区别(或者说此书并没有对这种区别做深入的描述)。此书最大的优点是语言,作者的行文很精彩,充满了幽默,让你在读的时候忍不住要微笑,所以读此书的过程还是令人愉快的,但如我上面所说如果你放下书想想,有时实在想不出一个理由要继续读下去。  详情 发表于 2013-7-24 14:46
    uread    本书下载地址:   http://uread.podzone.net/thread-81-1-1.html  详情 发表于 2013-8-29 00:25

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