书评内容会自动聚合在本帖中作者: 熏衣草 时间: 2013-7-21 11:56
作者的法律视觉和文艺些的笔触,但是文笔朴实,没有惊艳的描写。更像是一种日记,欣赏作者的每天,那么那么满的每天,依然那么有激情和活力,那么努力的过着,让我羡慕而又自溃不如。在心里受挫后也依然坚强的人,有多少能做到呢?不管怎样的状态,开心和满足就好作者: 塞纳河 时间: 2013-7-25 03:58
the bar exam is an endurance test.it’s designed to shake you up, to gauge how you react under the gun.
There is no way you or anyone else can know everything.the key is to learn as much as possible and do you best.
"endurance test " 简单明了的两个单词,却一语道破天际。Not only bar test , but the most test , such as TOEFL ,GRE ,etc .追逐梦想的过程就是一场endurance test,每个人都在进行着一场永不停息的马拉松赛跑。