标题: Jonathan Livingston Seagull - 书评 [打印本页] 作者: 书虫百变 时间: 2013-4-29 08:56 标题: Jonathan Livingston Seagull - 书评 在线阅读本书
This is a story for people who follow their hearts and make their own rules...people who get special pleasure out of doing something well, even if only for themselves...p ...
"u ve got to understand that a seagull is an unlimited idea of freedom, an image of the great gull,and ur whole body, from wingtip to wingtip, is nothing more than ur thought itself"
虽然是一只执着于飞翔的海鸥的寓言,却映射出生活中那些追逐梦想为自己奋斗的人们与那些不strive to sth better的种种不同。本以为自己在为了梦想奋斗却发现梦在渐去渐远,对奋斗的准则毫无概念,看到还在学校的同学们都已经开始高三状态自己在幸灾乐祸没有度过这种日子,于是又开始和自己那颗所谓的奋进的心开始搏斗。抬起头来麻木上唇对镜嘲笑自己连脖子都伸不直,却只能勉强撑开麻木的嘴唇苦笑不得然后接着奋斗。如今我能做的只能像它一样执着于自己的翅膀能飞多远飞多远,能飞多快飞多快。证明自己是对的,或许这就是我们狗血的命,虽然总是不愿听我要奋斗我要奋进我要努力云云,觉得这些话好扯淡好恶俗好电视剧。可惜这些“革命”词语却处于一个尴尬的境地,当你用心喊出来的时候真的是有效果并且状态全满。只是说,我很想高声喊出我要努力。
This is a story for people who follow their hearts and make their own rules. People who get special pleasure out of doing something well, even if only for themselves. People wh know there's more to this living than meets the eye:they'll be right there with Jonathan, flying higher and faster than ever they dreamed.
readingnote for future review:
1. i just want to know what i can do and what i can't
2.Such promises are only for the gulls that accept the ordinary. One who has touched excellence in his learing has no need of that kind of promise.
3.He learned to fly, and was not sorry for the price that he had paid. He discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reason that a gull's life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.
4.We were from one world into another that was almost exactly like it, forgetting right away where we had come from, not caring were headed, living for the moment.
5.The gull sees farthest who flies highest.
6.We are free to go where we wish and to be what we are.
7. You don't love hatred and evil, of course. You have to practice and see the real gull, the good in every one of them, and to help them see it in themselves.