我觉得他不值这个评价……作者: Aria 时间: 2013-9-21 12:47
《“小不列颠”札记》原名是Notes from a Small Island,作者是美国人比尔 布莱森(Bill Bryson)。他娶了英国人,后来算是半定居在英国了。97年的时候他来过UEA诵读自己的作品。据Jean说,现在他住在Norfolk。
先说书名。英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。由于这本书里Bill Bryson没有去北爱,加之原著书名是small island, 所以译者把它译作小不列颠。札记的意思则是“读书时摘记的要点和心得体会及见闻的单篇文章。汇集多篇成书,仍称札记”(百度百科)。而这本书算是旅游随笔,所以Notes就被翻成了‘札记’。至于为什么要给小不列颠加上引号,我迄今还是无法理解。或许是为了突出说这个名字是自创的?目前看来这似乎是唯一合理的解释。但是书中,译者似乎很随性的给有些地名也加上了双引号。说随性,是因为有的地名很又随性没有加引号。意译的地名加引号我自然是可以理解,可是有些明明是普普通通的音译,还是加了引号。这就有些让人匪夷所思了。
The name Manchester originates from the Ancient Roman name Mamucium, the name of the Roman fort and settlement, generally thought to be a Latinisation of an original Celtic name (possibly meaning "breast-like hill" from mamm- = "breast"), plus Old English ceaster = "town", which is derived from Latin castra = "camp".[13] An alternative theory suggests that the origin is British Celtic mamma = "mother", where the "mother" was a river-goddess of the River Medlock which flows below the fort. Mam means "female breast" in Irish Gaelic and "mother" in Welsh.[14]