Ellery Queen had never before been privileged to attend the delivery, as it were; and the fact that, having attended it, he knew as little about its parentage as if he had not neither irritated nor angered him, for if a murder had to be committed and could not be averted, then Ellery preferred it to be a mystery at the beginning, just so that he could dig into it and trace it backward and explain it to himself at the end.
其中 he knew as little about its parentage as if he had not neither irritated nor angered him里,parentage压根就不是“亲情关系”或者“感情关系”,而as if he had not neither irritated nor angered him 在两种版本里都被忽略掉了。
这句话的意思,是说Ellery Queen这次参与到案件的侦破中来,他对犯罪的真相一无所知,一点都不生气或愤怒,因为他喜欢接手谜团完好保留的原始案件。parentage和第一段里出现的paternity其实是一个意思。也就是第一段译文里的“源头”。
原文:He stood by himself, deep in thought, in the lightening morning under one of the Old Woman's pedigreed blue spruces, watching his father and Sergeant Velie go to work.
从这个例子可以看到译者将前人的译作拿来就用,根本就没对照过原文。白纸黑字的“ in the lightening morning ”愣是没看见。
原文:Assistant Medical Examiner of New York County—petulant at having had to leave spouse, progeny, and couch so early of a summer morning.
原文:"How long, O Lord?" yawned Ellery.
"If you're referring to that Gilbert and Sullivan pipsqueak, Greevey," snapped his father, "Greevey's probably just scratching his navel and crawling out of his ermine bed. Velie, go see what's holding up the works."
Gilbert and Sullivan 这两个大名鼎鼎的人物,译者想必是不知道的。 Gilbert and Sullivan pipsqueak到底是在说什么,他恐怕更不知道。
吉尔伯特与沙利文(Gilbert and Sullivan)指维多利亚时代幽默剧作家威廉·S·吉尔伯特(William S. Gilbert)与英国作曲家阿瑟·沙利文(Arthur Sullivan)的合作。从1871年到1896年长达二十五年的合作中,共同创作了14部喜剧,其中最著名的为《比纳佛》(H.M.S. Pinafore)、《班战斯的海盗》(The Pirates of Penzance)和《日本天皇》(The Mikado)。
Gilbert and Sullivan pipsqueak 是形容 Greevey,是说法官像吉尔伯特和沙利文创作的喜剧里的那些滑稽小人物。
原文:But his father halted, twinkling.
Inspector: Again, Charley? What is it this time?
Mr. Paxton: Lèse-majesté, Inspector.
Inspector: Where'd it happen?
Mr. Paxton: Club Bongo.