这其中的缘由很难说得明白。也许是觉得诗歌(在我看来包括文学)、音乐和绘画是七大艺术中顶尖形式,也许是觉得电影这种暗含微妙的表演艺术和画面的含义的模糊空间不适宜用文字来明确,总之,I am so reluctant to read film novel.
但是这一次我破了例,因为这本书是Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
因为这本书的作者是Gene Roddenberry——星际科幻迷与腐女心目中的大神。
是的,想到当初一版Pilot的演员几乎全部换掉,制片方强烈要求删掉女领航员和Spock这个尖耳朵的外星人,而Roddenberry在作出换掉自己的老婆扮演的领航员之后,毅然决然地坚持保留Nimoy饰演的Spock这一角色,想到这一切,就足以让我从心底对这位前辈说一声“Thank you so much”,没有他,科幻史上将失去一个多么重要,多么可爱,多么耀眼的角色啊!
“The human concept of friend is most merely duplicated in Vulcan thought by the term t'hy'la, which can also mean brother and lover. Spock's recollection (from which this chapter is drawn) is that it was a most difficult moment for him since he did indeed consider Kirk to have become his brother. However, because t'hy'la can be used to mean lover, and since Kirk's and Spock's friendship was unusually close, this has led to some speculation over whether they had actually indeed become lovers. At our request, Admiral Kirk supplied the following comment on this subject: "I was never aware of this lovers rumor, although I have been told that Spock encountered it several times. Apparently he had always dismissed it with his characteristic lifting of his right eyebrow which usually connoted some combination of surprise, disbelief, and/or annoyance. As for myself, although I have no moral or other objections to physical live in any of its many Earthly, alien, and mixed forms, I have always found my best gratification in that creature woman. Also, I would dislike being thought of as so foolish that I would select a love partner who came into sexual heat only once every seven years.”