
标题: Marva Collins' Way - 书评 [打印本页]

作者: 小小看客    时间: 2013-5-27 21:06
标题: Marva Collins' Way - 书评
  Marva Collins offers a beacon of hope in the midst of America's educational crises. Collins recounts her successful teaching strategies and offers inspirational advice on how to motivate children  ...

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作者: 帅不起    时间: 2013-7-24 13:44
  What she taught most was literature. She introduced a lot of classic work to her students in her class. She always asked the right questions to lead her students to think. She made her students to love reading and get used to think on their own. This was an amazing process. When those unteachable bagan to read, write and speak their minds, the world was shock.
作者: 帅不起    时间: 2013-7-25 04:03
    Her students, most were dropout from other public schools, also some were unteachable said by their teaches, even their parents. When they came to Marva Collins, she never gave up. She encouraged every her students to learn, to believe in themselves, to prove to the world that they could change and be able to learn.
    What she taught most was literature. She introduced a lot of classic work to her students in her class. She always asked the right questions to lead her students to think. She made her students to love reading and get used to think on their own. This was an amazing process. When those unteachable bagan to read, write and speak their minds, the world was shock.
作者: 波尔多    时间: 2013-7-25 13:22
  Recommended by Tal, I got this book from amazon. I have a boy who is about 6 years ago. Like anyother boys, he is naughty,cute and lovely.Sometimes, I yell at him for his behaviors.I always regreted for being angry with him.
  I think I should change the way to educate my boy. My bad temper absolutely will affect him. He will yell at people like what I did to him.And it's not a good communication method.
  That's why I read this book. I want to change. And this book does give me a lot of help. I see how Marva have done to these children.She is always being positive,motivated,and encouragement.here is some tips:
  1\ to pique children's intellectual curiosity
  2\ to hug and kiss kids
  3\ to encourage kids to read great books and read with them
  4\to believe in kids, always tell them "You can do it"
  It's a great book worth buying and reading twice.
作者: 小马托    时间: 2013-7-25 18:17
  http://bbs.xiaoma.com/forum-234-1.html  这里有大量考T的喷油需要的学习资料,机经,和线上YY公开课【听力】【口语】【阅读】【写作】,
作者: 蒜瓣    时间: 2013-8-2 17:23
  部分中文版,http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/uAGIP by http://blog.sina.com.cn/littleeggshell1984

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