书评内容会自动聚合在本帖中作者: maryli 时间: 2013-7-24 00:59
Basically speaking, it tells us how to influence people with some social skills, and how to be a good listener, how to understand people , how to make people trust you and like you . Really useful to me !作者: 牛七星 时间: 2013-7-27 22:04
这本书并不需要很长时间,但是我还是托了很久才看完。看完以后感叹,怎么自己没早点看。卡内基的理,处理人和人关系,不一定适合所有的人,但是很多忠告对于急性子和太直接的人,尤其是自以为是的人是很有效的。人要低调,要习惯于谦虚。沟通更要发自内心并且真诚。很多次,我觉得我是在用技巧,但是却并不为人接受,因为我没有发自内心的表达感受,这样别人很容易看出来的!这书大部分,在我看来都很有道理。作者: 愛自由 时间: 2013-7-28 14:02
1. 處理人際關係的基本技巧
原則一: 不批評、不責備、不抱怨。
原則二: 給予真誠的讚賞。
原則三: 引發他人心中的渴望。
4. 成為一個領導者
原則一: 凡事皆以真誠的讚賞與感謝為前提。
原則二: 以間接的語句指出他人的錯誤。
原則三: 先說自己錯在哪裡,然後再批評他人。
原則四: 用問問題來取代直接的要求。
原則五: 一定要顧到他人面子。
原則六: 只要稍有改進即給予讚賞。
原則七: 給他一個他願意全力追求的美譽。
原則八: 多多鼓勵。讓他覺得這過錯很容易改正。
原則九: 使他覺得,照你的意思去做會很開心。 作者: 小门门 时间: 2013-7-28 16:11
This book should be read by everyone. It is full of important information that everyone can benefit from.
Its most important feature is its combination of well formulated principles and carefully selected life stories. These stories well illustrate the principles and also make the book very interesting to read. Its style is like "tell stories, make a point".
I was really surprised as to how much this book matters and how much I learned by reading it. Yes, some of the advice may be obvious, but it brings the correct way in which to interact with others to the forefront of the mind and that's why it's so valuable.