书评内容会自动聚合在本帖中作者: 蓝地 时间: 2013-7-22 13:31
对于意大利以及欧洲历史了解甚微的我来说他举得每一个例子对我都是陌生的,但是他的确是善于举例子的, 所以历史家对于他是十分切实的描述。让人惊讶的是他同时还是军事著作者、诗人、剧作家,而且每个领域都受过不少的好评,我觉得相比与前人,现在人们真正专注并且精通的东西实在是少得多。
在意大利人在心中至今没有消亡。 相信马基雅维里为这部著作是耗费了大量心血的,但是他所做的除了单纯学术研究思考外,对于意大利的热爱是很大一部分原因吧,谁不希望自己的祖国繁荣昌盛呢。对于这本书,我关注更多的是以前我所不了解的地方,以及他提出的有悖我认识常理的观点。
看来下次再看这样的书是不会感到恐惧的了,看完此书后多少能看出点君主的阴谋,不会太轻易被迷惑,而且不要轻易把自己定义为被统治者,要努力使自己能够成为统治者。选择总是自由的。作者: jelly 时间: 2013-7-27 17:01
Since the birth of “The Prince”, Machiavelli, the important character in the history of Western political thought and the ideas of “The Prince” has been affirmed full of criticism. However, we should take an objective evaluation of “The Prince”. In the time of Machiavelli, Italy is disrupted and corrupt, people are eager for unity. As an expert that is used to be working for government, Machiavelli looks for the existence of a tyrant who can bring the unity. This great work reflects Machiavelli’s philosophy of politics. It also gives expression to his patriotism.
In the great work The Prince, I feel that Machiavelli offers us a significant model of ruler that refers his political ideas. Additionally, he defines a successful rulership by emphasizing the laws of human nature, the importance of military and the characteristics of a great leader. He tries to persuade his emperor to take his concepts of governing a state by giving such a wonderful presentations.
First of all, Machiavelli points out that the nature of human beings is evil. He discusses the human nature in the entire book to sustain his persuasion. The human beings are, as Machiavelli says,"…ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers, they shun danger and are greedy for profit; as long as you benefit them, they are entirely yours" (The Prince, p.46). According to him, people are changeable by nature. It is easy to persuade them about some particular matter, but it is hard to hold them to that persuasion. Hence it is necessary to provide that when they no longer believe, they can be forced to believe. Likewise, government must take account of man's real nature and use his real qualities for its purposes. Machiavelli’s point of view is based on the reality that is human nature is not as innocent as we thought.
Secondly, to speak about the military, Machiavelli points out the weakness of depending on the mercenaries, and he emphasizes numerous times that the importance of building its own army of a country, “…it is of such value that is not only keeps born princes in place, but often raises men from private citizens to princely fortune”(p.40). He holds that the cultivation of this art is the chief means of gaining and keeping power, and that the neglect of this art is the chief means of losing power. It is a central belief of Machiavelli's that security could only be obtained by raising a body of troops within one's own country--loyal soldiers who would be defending their own homes and families. He particularly opposes the use of mercenary forces, or dependence on the help of foreign armies. He is also inclined to downgrade the importance of fortifications, remarking that "the best fortress is to be found in the love of the people" (p.40).
Meanwhile, he suggests the prince keep studying from the war. “Thus a prince who knows nothing of warfare, apart from his other troubles already described, cannot hope for respect from his soldiers or put any trust in them”(p.41). And “Therefore the prince should never turn his mind from the study of war”(p.41). Moreover, he briefly proposes the tyrant that learn the art of the war by“…training the body and training the mind” (p.41). He gives the example of Philopoemon, the prince of the Achaeans.
In addition, later in The Prince, Machiavelli implies that no matter how cruel a prince is, but at the head of his army, the prince should not be considered cruel. Because “without such a reputation, he could never hold his army together and ready for action” (p.46). The right instance that Machiavelli mentions is Scipio.
From this part, I am able to see that Machiavelli is so solicitous of the national unity. He loves his country and desires the dominator can equip a strong army to realize the unity of Italy.
Briefly and broadly, I appreciate the suggestions about how a prince can keep his authority and how he should look at morality. Though his point of view is a little bit bias and cruel. To relate to human nature, according to Machiavelli, human is immoral, they are loyal to you when benefiting them, and they leave you when needing them. Human beings are always unkind unless under a pressure.
What more, he talks about the theory of Plato about the two worlds: the world “the way we really live” and the world “we ought to live”. And the theory implies that although “every prince would like to be both”—“be loved” and “be feared” (p.46), however, “…a prince, and especially a new prince, cannot possibly exercise all those virtues for which men are called ‘good’” (p.49), as for new princes: “new states are always in danger”. So when a prince faces a choice that is cruelty or clemency. As if the clemency goes against his interests, he should give it up without hesitating, “…he should not depart from the good if he can hold to it, but should be ready to enter on evil if he has to” (p.49). Since“…to be feared is much safer than to be loved”.
I am convinced that although extinguished leader can gather people by his morality, but if he didn’t take advantage of political means out of morality, so, it’s absolutely impossible for him to succeed in politic. “Hence a prince who wants keep his authority must learn how not to be good, and use that know ledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires”(p.42).
According to Machiavelli, there are two ways of fighting: laws that are human method and the force that comes from beasts. “Thus a prince must know how to make good use of both the beast and man”. Machiavelli said that the ruler must be able to imitate both the lion and the fox. “Since a prince must know how to use the character of beasts, he should pick for imitation the fox and the lion”(p.48). The bravery and strength of the lion will not be enough to enable the ruler to escape the traps set by his enemies; for that, the slyness of the fox is also needed. This is especially true of the new prince, who is in a very exposed position. Machiavelli admitted that Marcus Aurelius, the "philosopher King" (Roman emperor, 161-180 A.D.), who had been a virtuous and just ruler, had kept his throne. But Marcus Aurelius had become emperor by hereditary succession. Machiavelli offers Septimius Severus (Roman emperor, 193-211 A.D.) as an example of a new prince who effectively used the techniques of both the lion and the fox to maintain himself in power.
The discussion of praising and blaming is also very interesting. Regarding the liberality, Machiavelli believes that “…if you wish to be widely know as a generous man, you must seize every opportunity to make a big display of your giving” (p.43). He states the stories of Caesar, Cyrus, and Alexander as examples to support his opinions.
Additionally, Machiavelli keeps using “necessity”, “fortune” and “virtu” to demonstrate what features a successful ruler should have.
In fact, necessity as Machiavelli’s view means the political stability and power that which is necessary to the maintenance of the state, a specific political goal would be reached. Then, Machiavelli use fortune specifically means chance, luck, destiny, and unpredictability. On the other hand, he emphasizes man’s ability to press back against the vicissitudes of fortune. And the human exertion against fortune is achieved through virtu. Virtu often refers to qualities that make a military commander successful.
I support Machiavelli since I believe that politics is not the morality. I think the national interests are more important than anything else for a ruler. These interests were gaining, maintaining, and expanding political power of prince. All the princes should take foxes and lions as examples that take every means in order to reach one’s goal. The impactions of mercy and cruelty that have been discussed in The Prince are very controversial through the centuries. In my opinion, the political man always acts mercifully, and may not be merciful in his deep heart. As for the function of kindness and cruelty, alternatively, I think hatred always lasts longer than love.
Although Machiavelli has always been considered as a typical representative of non-moralism and criticized, I think he is still an outstanding ideologist. His ideals of the leadership not only guide the tyrants in the past, the feudal dynast, but also they make sense now for leaders. In the book The Prince, Machiavelli embodies political philosophy by arguing the various methods of being a successful prince. He states that a prince cannot always be good, and if he wants to keep his post he must learn not to be good. For example, I agree with his opinion on generosity. Machiavelli states that if you are too generous, the non-generous people will take advantage of you and will take away your power. I do believe that you cannot be too generous to your subjects or well they will take advantage of you. Many of the great rulers who were too generous to the people ended up in bloodshed because of small things that the ruler overlooked. You must keep guard and not be taken advantage of if you try to be generous.
On the other hand, his view of human nature is certain excessive and prejudice. He totally repudiates the goodness of humanity. As far as I concern that there is justice, kindness and love. Furthermore, throughout the history, people keep struggling against cruel emperors and their repressions. And there indeed appear a large number of moral persons such as Aristotle and Plato. As a result, we should take a cautious and rational approach for Machiavellian.
In conclusion, Machiavelli and his masterpiece The Prince deeply affect the later generations. Regardless the controversial parts, his theory clearly and brief give us hints of charging daily business and dealing the relationships with others. Therefore, The Prince is remarkable and valuable. 作者: 小牛 时间: 2013-7-28 08:05
论国家及君主国的类型 在这部分里,马基雅维里论述了国家的类型以及新君主国产生的方式等内容。他认为,从古至今,无外乎有两种类型的国家——君主国和共和国。而君主国则可以分为世袭君主国、混合君主国、新君主国等。本书中,他着重对新君主国的产生方式进行了描述。从第六章开始他分别论述了依靠自己的能力和武力获得的君主国;依靠他人的武力或幸运获得的君主国;用邪恶之道获得的君主国;依靠本土市民获得的君主国;依靠宗教制度维持的君主国等等。从这部分当中,我们可以窥见马基雅维里的某些思想,比如他对能力和幸运或者说是命运的看法。他认为一位君主应该学会观察、把握机遇。要充分利用自己的能力和运气。因为有能力而无运气,则得天下不易而保天下易;有运气而无能力,则得天下容易而保天下难。“那些光靠幸运,从平民崛起而成为君主的人们,再发迹时并不很辛苦劳瘁,但是保持其地位时就很辛苦劳瘁了。(p.29)”对于命运,他认为:“命运是我们半个行动的主宰,但是它留下其余一半或者几乎一半归我们支配。(p.118)”读到这儿的时候,我忽然想到后来的德国社会学家马克思·韦伯的新教伦理观与其有类似之处。在马基雅维里看来,不单单要依靠命运,更重要的是我们的自由意志。作为君主不能完全听命于命运的安排,还要发挥自己的能力,应当与时俱进,随机应变。在他的观念中,显然没有摆脱神的意志,但已经突出了人事的作用。从这个侧面也反映了文艺复兴时代的某些特点。
论军队及军事管理 在马基雅维里看来,“良好的军队”和“良好的法律”是国家稳定的基础。在军队方面,一个英明的君主一定要牢牢把握军事大权,并且要有自己的军队——由臣民、市民或者是君主的属民组成的军队。对一个君主来说,“永远不要让自己的思想离开军事训练问题”、“在和平时期比在战争时期更加注意这个问题”(p.70),他认为君主应该有一种忧患意识,在和平时期里也要加强对军队及自身的训练,同时借鉴前人的经验教训。但是马基雅维里对雇佣军和援军则持一种否定态度,在他看来,意大利的崩溃就是由于依赖雇佣军造成的。同时他又以罗马帝国的覆亡为例,他说“人们如果研究一下罗马帝国覆灭的头一个原因,就会察觉,这是由雇佣哥特人当兵才开始的。因为罗马帝国的势力就是从那个时候开始衰微的,而以前曾经使罗马帝国勃兴的一切力量都转移到哥特人哪里去了。(p.67)”而比雇佣军更可怕的是援军,援军就是“请求一个强国进行援助和保卫自己的时候派来的军队(p.64)”,对于援军的危害,他分析道“如果他们打败了,你就完蛋了,反之如果他们赢得胜利,你就要成为他们的俘虏。(p.64)”
论君主所应有的品质 “君主应以为国家谋利为宗旨”,马基雅维里是这样认为的。基于这样的宗旨,“某些事情看起来好像是好事,可是君主照着办就会自取灭亡,而另一些事情看起来是恶行,可是如果照办了却会给他带来安全与福祉。(p.75)”他断言“一个君主要保持自己的地位,就必须知道怎样做不良好的事情,并且必须知道视情况的需要与否使用这一手或者不使用这一手。(p.74)”所以在马基雅维里那里,君主的品行与道德在我看来完全被颠覆了。
论廷臣 马基雅维里对于如何遴选大臣是十分重视的,在马基雅维里看来大臣与君主之间是似乎互惠的,但这种互惠却又是不平等的。对待良臣,君主应该“常常想着大臣,尊敬他,使他富贵使他感恩戴德,让他分享荣誉,分担职责;使他知道如果没有自己,他就站不住”(p.112)。而大臣呢?一个良臣“不应该想着他自己,而应该只想着君主,并且绝不想及同君主无关的事情”(p.112),也就是说一个好的大臣应该一切从君主的利益出发,为君主牟利。只有这样,君主与大臣之间才能“诚信相孚”。但是君主应该提防这样一类朝臣——谄媚者。马基雅维里认为,谄媚的大臣会使一个君主变得昏聩。为何会有谄媚者呢?其一是因为他敬畏你,害怕得罪于你;其二则是因为他想通过谄媚的方式获得更多的利益。对于谄媚者,君主应当如何应对?马基雅维里认为:选拔一些有识之士,给予他们讲真话的权力,并且要是他们意识到“谁愈发言,谁就愈受欢迎”(p.113)。但马基雅维里同时强调,悉心听取他人意见的时候,不要被不同的意见所左右,不要对各种意见摇摆不定,最终的决定权还是要君主自己拿定的。他说:“一切良好的忠言,不论来自任何人必须产生于君主的贤明,而不是君主的贤明产生于良好的忠言。(p.115)”
论意大利的衰落及复兴 马基雅维里认为意大利之所以衰落,有以下几点原因:军队以雇佣军为主;君主受到人民的敌视;君主受到贵族的敌视;安逸的生活腐蚀了心智,马基雅维里打了这样的比方:在风和日丽的时候想不到暴风雨。用中国的古话讲,可谓是“忧患兴国、逸豫亡身”;过分依靠外部的力量,而自己的力量却不强大。在最后一章中,马基雅维里将意大利复兴的希望寄托于一位新君主。作者: 风之为 时间: 2013-9-10 21:56