[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
# This file demonstrates how Character objects can be used to customize the
# display of text.
# With a nestled click-to-continue indicator.
$ ectc = Character(_('Eileen'),
# With a fixed-position ctc indicator.
$ ectcf = Character(_('Eileen'),
ctc=anim.Filmstrip("sakura.png", (20, 20), (2, 1), .30, xpos=760, ypos=560, xanchor=0, yanchor=0),
# With quotes around text.
$ equote = Character(_('Eileen'),
who_suffix = ':',
# Weird-looking.
$ eweird = Character(_('Eileen'),
# Two-window mode.
$ etwo = Character(_('Eileen'),
# Image on the side.
$ eside = Character(_('Eileen'),
show_side_image=Image("eileen_side.png", xalign=0.0, yalign=1.0))
label demo_character:
e "The Character object is used to declare characters, and it can also be used to customize the way in which a character speaks."
e "By supplying it with the appropriate arguments, we can really change around the feel of the game."
e "In this section, we'll demonstrate some of what can be accomplished by customizing character objects."
equote "By supplying what_prefix and what_suffix arguments to a Character object, we can automatically add things before each line of text."
equote "This is a lot easier than having to put those quotes in by hand."
equote "We can also use who_prefix and who_suffix to add text to the name of the speaker."
e "We can also supply arguments to the Character object that customize the look of the character name, the text that is being said, and the window itself."
eweird "These can really change the look of the game."
eside "A more practical use of that is in conjunction with show_side_image, which lets us position an image next to the text."
etwo "There's also show_two_window, which puts the character's name in its own window."
ectc "Finally, we demonstrate a click to continue indicator. In this example, it's nestled in with the text."
ectcf "A click to continue image can also be placed at a fixed location on the screen."
e "There's a lot more you can do with Character, as it lets you set style properties on all of the displayed text."
e "Finally, let me point out a couple of special characters we pre-define."
show black
with dissolve
centered "The \"centered\" character shows text at the center of the screen, without a window."
centered "It's just a highly customized normal character, that's useful for dates and titles."
hide black
with dissolve
e "The \"extend\" character is very special."
e "It lets you"
show eileen vhappy
extend " extend the previous dialogue"
show eileen happy
extend " with additional text."
e "That lets you have things happen in the middle of text. If you didn't notice, I was changing my expression."
e "Hopefully, these characters, along with the ones you define, will lead to a very expressive game."
[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
image bg pong field = "pong_field.png"
class PongDisplayable(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self):
# Some displayables we use.
self.paddle = Image("pong.png")
self.ball = Image("pong_ball.png")
self.player = Text(_("Player"), size=36)
self.eileen = Text(_("Eileen"), size=36)
self.ctb = Text(_("Click to Begin"), size=36)
# The sizes of some of the images.
self.BALL_WIDTH = 15
self.BALL_HEIGHT = 15
self.COURT_TOP = 108
self.COURT_BOTTOM = 543
# If the ball is stuck to the paddle.
self.stuck = True
# The positions of the two paddles.
self.playery = (self.COURT_BOTTOM - self.COURT_TOP) / 2
self.computery = self.playery
# The speed of the computer.
self.computerspeed = 350.0
# The position, dental-position, and the speed of the
# ball.
self.bx = 88
self.by = self.playery
self.bdx = .5
self.bdy = .5
self.bspeed = 300.0
# The time of the past render-frame.
self.oldst = None
# The winner.
self.winner = None
def visit(self):
return [ self.paddle, self.ball, self.player, self.eileen, self.ctb ]
# Recomputes the position of the ball, handles bounces, and
# draws the screen.
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
# The Render object we'll be drawing into.
r = renpy.Render(width, height)
# Figure out the time elapsed since the previous frame.
if self.oldst is None:
self.oldst = st
dtime = st - self.oldst
self.oldst = st
# Figure out where we want to move the ball to.
speed = dtime * self.bspeed
oldbx = self.bx
if self.stuck:
self.by = self.playery
self.bx += self.bdx * speed
self.by += self.bdy * speed
# Move the computer's paddle. It wants to go to self.by, but
# may be limited by it's speed limit.
cspeed = self.computerspeed * dtime
if abs(self.by - self.computery) <= cspeed:
self.computery = self.by
self.computery += cspeed * (self.by - self.computery) / abs(self.by - self.computery)
# Handle bounces.
# Bounce off of top.
ball_top = self.COURT_TOP + self.BALL_HEIGHT / 2
if self.by < ball_top:
self.by = ball_top + (ball_top - self.by)
self.bdy = -self.bdy
renpy.sound.play("pong_beep.wav", channel=0)
# Bounce off bottom.
ball_bot = self.COURT_BOTTOM - self.BALL_HEIGHT / 2
if self.by > ball_bot:
self.by = ball_bot - (self.by - ball_bot)
self.bdy = -self.bdy
renpy.sound.play("pong_beep.wav", channel=0)
# This draws a paddle, and checks for bounces.
def paddle(px, py, hotside):
# Render the paddle image. We give it an 800x600 area
# to render into, knowing that images will render smaller.
# (This isn't the case with all displayables. Solid, Frame,
# and Fixed will expand to fill the space allotted.)
# We also pass in st and at.
pi = renpy.render(self.paddle, 800, 600, st, at)
# renpy.render returns a Render object, which we can
# blit to the Render we're making.
r.blit(pi, (int(px), int(py - self.PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2)))
if py - self.PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2 <= self.by <= py + self.PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2:
hit = False
if oldbx >= hotside >= self.bx:
self.bx = hotside + (hotside - self.bx)
self.bdx = -self.bdx
hit = True
elif oldbx <= hotside <= self.bx:
self.bx = hotside - (self.bx - hotside)
self.bdx = -self.bdx
hit = True
if hit:
renpy.sound.play("pong_boop.wav", channel=1)
self.bspeed *= 1.10
# Draw the two paddles.
paddle(68, self.playery, 68 + self.PADDLE_WIDTH)
paddle(724, self.computery, 724)
# Draw the ball.
ball = renpy.render(self.ball, 800, 600, st, at)
r.blit(ball, (int(self.bx - self.BALL_WIDTH / 2),
int(self.by - self.BALL_HEIGHT / 2)))
# Show the player names.
player = renpy.render(self.player, 800, 600, st, at)
r.blit(player, (20, 25))
# Show Eileen's name.
eileen = renpy.render(self.eileen, 800, 600, st, at)
ew, eh = eileen.get_size()
r.blit(eileen, (790 - ew, 25))
# Show the "Click to Begin" label.
if self.stuck:
ctb = renpy.render(self.ctb, 800, 600, st, at)
cw, ch = ctb.get_size()
r.blit(ctb, (400 - cw / 2, 30))
# Check for a winner.
if self.bx < -200:
self.winner = "eileen"
# Needed to ensure that event is called, noticing
# the winner.
elif self.bx > 1000:
self.winner = "player"
# Ask that we be re-rendered ASAP, so we can show the next
# frame.
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
# Return the Render object.
return r
# Handles events.
def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
import pygame
# Mousebutton down == start the game by setting stuck to
# false.
if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and ev.button == 1:
self.stuck = False
# Set the position of the player's paddle.
y = max(y, self.COURT_TOP)
y = min(y, self.COURT_BOTTOM)
self.playery = y
# If we have a winner, return him or her. Otherwise, ignore
# the current event.
if self.winner:
return self.winner
raise renpy.IgnoreEvent()
label demo_minigame:
e "You may want to mix Ren'Py with other forms of gameplay. There are many ways to do this."
e "The first is with the UI functions, which can be used to create powerful button and menu based interfaces."
e "These are often enough for many simulation-style games."
e "We also have two more ways in which Ren'Py can be extended. Both require experience with Python programming, and so aren't for the faint of heart."
e "Renpygame is a library that allows pygame games to be run inside Ren'Py."
e "When using renpygame, Ren'Py steps out of the way and gives you total control over the user's experience."
e "You can get renpygame from the Frameworks page of the Ren'Py website."
e "If you want to integrate your code with Ren'Py, you can write a user-defined displayable."
e "User-defined displayables are somewhat more limited, but integrate better with the rest of Ren'Py."
e "For example, one could support loading and saving while a user-defined displayable is shown."
e "Now, why don't we play some pong?"
label demo_minigame_pong:
window hide None
# Put up the pong background, in the usual fashion.
scene bg pong field
# Run the pong minigame, and determine the winner.
winner = ui.interact(suppress_overlay=True, suppress_underlay=True)
scene bg washington
show eileen vhappy
window show None
if winner == "eileen":
e "I win!"
e "You won! Congratulations."
show eileen happy
e "Would you like to play again?"
jump demo_minigame_pong
"No thanks.":
e "Remember to be careful about putting minigames in a visual novel, since not every visual novel player wants to be good at arcade games."
[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
# This file contains a demonstration of the user interaction
# functions.
screen viewport_screen:
scrollbars "both"
xmaximum 400
ymaximum 400
side_xpos 100
side_ypos 100
side_spacing 5
draggable True
mousewheel True
add "concert2.jpg"
textbutton _("Dismiss"):
xpos 300
xanchor 0.5
ypos 550
yanchor 0.5
action Return(True)
screen edgescroll_screen:
edgescroll (150, 500)
add "concert2.jpg"
screen demo_imagemap:
auto "imagemap_%s.jpg"
hotspot (8, 200, 78, 78) action Return("swimming")
hotspot (204, 50, 78, 78) action Return("science")
hotspot (452, 79, 78, 78) action Return("art")
hotspot (602, 316, 78, 78) action Return("go home")
# The variable we store the entered name of the character in.
$ povname = ""
# And this is a DynamicCharacter that has the same stored in
# povname.
$ pov = DynamicCharacter("povname", color=(192, 64, 64, 255))
# This is code for a day planner, or at least sort of. To be
# honest, the code in the dse game is a bit better. Take this
# as more of an example of what Ren'Py can do.
def day_planner():
periods = [ _('Morning'), _('Afternoon'), _('Evening') ]
periods_small = {'Morning': _('morning'), 'Afternoon': _('afternoon'), 'Evening': _('evening') }
choices = [ _('Study'), _('Exercise'),
_('Eat'), _('Drink'), _('Be Merry') ]
plan = { _('Morning') : _('Eat'),
_('Afternoon') : _('Drink'),
_('Evening') : _('Be Merry') }
day = _('March 25th')
stats = [
(_('Strength'), 100, 10),
(_('Intelligence'), 100, 25),
(_('Moxie'), 100, 100),
(_('Chutzpah'), 100, 75),
editing = None
def button(text, selected, returns, **properties):
if selected:
style='button', role=role, **properties)
ui.text(text, style='button_text')
while True:
# Stats Window
for name, range, value in stats:
ui.text(name, minwidth=150)
ui.bar(range, value, ypos=0.5, yanchor='center')
# Period Selection Window.
ui.vbox(xpos=0.5, xanchor='center')
ui.text(day, xpos=0.5, xanchor='center', textalign=0.5)
for i in periods:
renpy.store.period_tmp = i
renpy.store.plan_tmp = plan
button("[period_tmp!t]: [plan_tmp!t]", editing == i, ("edit", i), xminimum=250)
clicked=ui.returns(("done", True)),
# Choice window.
if editing:
xmargin = 10
renpy.store.periods_small_selected = periods_small[editing]
ui.text(_("What will you do in the [periods_small_selected!t]?"))
for i in choices:
plan[editing] == i,
("set", i),
# Window at the bottom.
e(_("To get to the next screen, click the 'Continue' button."), interact=False)
type, value = ui.interact()
if type == "done":
if type == "edit":
editing = value
if type == "set":
plan[editing] = value
editing = None
return plan
init python:
def stats_frame(name, level, hp, maxhp, **properties):
ui.frame(xfill=False, yminimum=None, **properties)
ui.hbox() # (name, "HP", bar) from (level, hp, maxhp)
ui.vbox() # name from ("HP", bar)
ui.text(name, size=20)
ui.hbox() # "HP" from bar
ui.text("HP", size=20)
ui.bar(maxhp, hp,
ui.vbox() # Level from (hp/maxhp)
ui.text("Lv. %d" % level, xalign=0.5, size=20)
ui.text("%d/%d" % (hp, maxhp), xalign=0.5, size=20)
label fight(ename, elevel, ehp, pname="Zanthier", plevel=4, php=40):
$ stats_frame(pname, plevel, int(php * .73), php, xalign=.02, yalign=.05)
$ stats_frame(ename, elevel, ehp, ehp, xalign=.98, yalign=.05)
label demo_ui:
e "Ren'Py gives a number of ways of interacting with the user."
e "You've already seen say statements and menus."
e "But were you aware that you can have dialogue and menus onscreen at the same time?"
show eileen vhappy
e "Good!"
show eileen happy
e "Well, now you know."
if not renpy.variant('touch'):
e "We can also prompt the user to enter some text."
$ povname = renpy.input(_("What is your name?")) or _("Guy Shy")
pov "My name is [povname!t]."
e "Imagemaps let the user click on an image to make a choice. For example, the following screen lets you pick what to do after school:"
# Show an imagemap.
window hide None
call screen demo_imagemap
window show None
# Call screen assignes the chosen result from the imagemap to the
# _return variable. We can use an if statement to vary what
# happens based on the user's choice.
if _return == "swimming":
e "You chose swimming."
e "Swimming seems like a lot of fun, but I didn't bring my bathing suit with me."
elif _return == "science":
e "You chose science."
e "I've heard that some schools have a competitive science team, but to me research is something that can't be rushed."
elif _return == "art":
e "You chose art."
e "Really good background art is hard to make, which is why so many games use filtered photographs. Maybe you can change that."
elif _return == "go home":
e "You chose to go home."
e "Anyway..."
e "We also support viewports, that allow us to display things that are bigger then the screen."
e "This viewport can be adjusted by dragging, by the mouse wheel, and by the scrollbars."
window hide
show eileen happy at right
with move
call screen viewport_screen
show screen edgescroll_screen
with dissolve
e "Viewports also support edge scrolling, which is automatic scrolling when the mouse reaches their edge."
hide screen edgescroll_screen
show eileen happy at center
with dissolve
window show
e "While these constructs are probably enough for most visual novels, dating simulations may be more complicated."
e "The ui functions allow you to create quite complicated interfaces."
e "For example, try the following scheduling and stats screen, which could be used by a stat-based dating simulation."
hide eileen
with dissolve
$ day_planner()
show eileen happy
with dissolve
e "For a better implementation of this, take a look at the dating sim engine (DSE) that ships with Ren'Py."
call fight("Eileen", 10, 99, pname=povname) from _call_fight_1
e "The ui functions can be also be used to show the sorts of stats you'd need if your game involves combat."
call fight("Eileen", 10, 99, pname=povname) from _call_fight_2
e "Hopefully, the ui functions will let you write whatever visual novel or dating sim you want."