粉晶乖乖 发表于 2013-6-12 01:21:38

Mockingjay - 书评

  Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she’s made it out of the bloody arena alive, she’s still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants re ...

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Logan 发表于 2013-7-29 15:40:28

  episode III is really like a bunch of craps and fragments, the writer wanna to stock too much stuff together to deliver to audience, which is ,by contrast, leaving a devastating effect on the reading experience,for instance, the ending of Gale seems the most impossibly weird , i mean it's not convincing at all, besides ,Katniss becomes quite mad who contains too many different kinds of emotion which are indeed similar to the adolescence of Harry, actually I could not help but compare those two characters who seems have to face same fate and try to be a kind of hero which is rare comparing to other articles that there always exist perfect heroes. In fact, the characters in this trilogy have their personal sparking point which makes a great contribution to its success, however, the last book is focusing too much on the inner activity of Katniss and really distract readers from the story itself.
  anyway, apart from some disappointing parts, it is, after all, a incredible   trilogy no matter judging by the historical and religional elements of the background and the structure of the imagination.

elly的 发表于 2013-7-31 05:06:55

  Finally I finished reading the Hunger Games Trilogy. Despite I am not a fan of the ending, I can't get the story out of my mind. Then I decided to write this review.
  Frist, I want to talk about Peeta and Gale. I agree that Peeta is the best for Katniss.
  Gale is too aggressive, he loves Katniss but he pushed her too much. Gale is brave for sure, but in a brainless enthusiasm way. In book1, Gale always has the eager to do great things, to run away, to fight, but he is just a nobody in district12 and he has to support the whole family. Then in book2, Gale gets all jealous about Peeta and Katniss, he causes troubles with peacemakers, but he is just a miner. Finally in book3, he makes it work, he becomes a soldier, he wants to win but so what, he lost Katniss. Both Katniss and even himself know that it was his bomb killed Prim. In the end, he got a job in District2, that's it, he is still nobody, and no one would remember him. Katniss kind of has a same personality like Gale, they can be hunting friends, but they would never make it a couple.
  Peeta, in a different way, he is really a deep thinker. He might be quiet but he always knows what is the right thing to do. He even loves Katniss deeply, words are unnecessary. He always knows that a uprising is never a good decision, he has a clear idea knowing that both Snow and Coin are bad for the whole country, and he warned Katniss. But unfortunately, as smart as him, he always gets caught or gets hurt the first. Snow hijacked him so Katniss had a trust issue of him, otherwise, who knows; maybe Peeta would convince Katniss to fight in a different way. Well in the end, Peeta got Katniss's love, yay, of course.

飘啊飘 发表于 2013-8-1 08:31:09

  Hunger Game 一上映,就在美国引起了一阵轰动,但是在国内似乎没火起来。有人说,血腥与暴力与深厚的国内文化底蕴背道相驰,就像是一个无厘头的小丑在古典音乐剧中扯着嗓子嚷嚷了两声,极为不和谐。有人说,我们不喜欢好莱坞式的打斗片,它肤浅,它做作,它只是为了迎合那些暴力饥渴的人。但是我,恰恰从Hunger game里感到了一种强烈的共鸣。
  我在费城时看完了hunger game的第三部,一种悲怆的,抑制不住的宣泄情绪让我坐立不安。在这本书之前,我对于战争的认识仍然片面地停留在“道德错误”的程度。而这本书,却打开了一幅战争中“道德悖论”。不仅无人在道德上是正义的,而且任何人都在愤怒的驱使下变得邪恶。为了缕清我思维上的伴我常在的混乱,我还是按三本书的顺序来边剧透边发泄。
  Hunger game 的电影是以第一本书mocking bird 改编的。主要讲了13个地区被capital占领,第13区勇敢地起身反抗,却被capital用核武器制服。之后capital 为了控制其它12个区,要求每年每个区选出2名勇士到capital 的竞技场比赛,比赛内容就是互相屠杀,直到剩下最后一个人为止。而这一年第74届hunger game 中,第12区的katniss 代替了自己的妹妹去参加了比赛。故事的结局是Katniss以自杀为威胁,使她和另一位来自12区的Peeta共同赢得了比赛。
  小说本身的魅力,不仅是因为故事讲述的紧凑和扣人心弦,而且还因为对于在高压政权下人民情绪描写之细腻让人感同身受。饥饿是什么?是吃不饱的人会横尸街头,是用增加自己被Hunger game选中的几率来换一袋粮食,是把烧焦的面包到作饕餮之餐。但饥饿又不仅仅是这些。饥饿是人们不能对无意义的屠杀说不,是在痛苦中只能说欢乐,是亲眼看到自己的朋友亲人去送死却还要欢喜鼓舞的庆祝。为了生存,于是没有自由。
  所以反叛的结局是什么?是进一步的镇压。第二部小说,讲的是回到12区的Katniss在各处闻到革命的味道,当她请求GALE和他一起逃走时,Gale却坚持选择留下战斗。第75届Hunger game如期举行,总统宣布每个区的获胜者要重新回到竞技场进行胜者间的角逐。胜者间互相勾心斗角却又暗中保护,蒙在鼓里的katniss最后才知已经设计好的逃亡。只是逃走的只有她而没有PEETA。
  第二部小说进一步诠释了反抗。Hunger game的结束,并不是意味着自由的来临。人们仍然在饥饿中挣扎,一点反抗情绪的表现换来了就是鞭打甚至死亡。白色恐怖伴着暴力恐惧,没人想再继续做奴隶。逃亡的人们都逃向13区,因为他们听说那里的人们并没有死掉,而是在努力地与capital抗争。所有关于13区被屠城的录像都是capital为了控制人们所制造的假象。用舆论来镇压人民是暴力执政者惯用的手段。其实读到这里,对于一个英雄挽救一个民族的老套剧情早已浮现在我的脑海。katniss作为反抗的代表人物,理应带领人们反抗没有人性,毫无人权可言的政府。但是故事引人深思地恰恰是这并不是作者的意图。战争是推翻一个无道德可言的政府的唯一手段,但是战争本身,反抗人群本身的正义却也禁不住考量。
  第三部小说从此入手,被救的Katniss来到了第13区,如流言所说,这里的人们并没有死光,而是在地下耐心地建筑基地,耐心地等待革命的到来。其他各区的反抗也由于katniss的逃跑而爆发。为了惩罚反叛者,capital把屠城留给了katniss所长大的12区,整个城市只有寥寥无几的人逃走了,gale, katniss的妈妈和妹妹都顺利逃了出来。Katniss想着在capital经受折磨得peeta,感觉到了被判,意识到了自己只是战争中权力双方的一颗旗子。13区的领导coin,要求katniss拍摄各种战争宣言短片,她不能上战场为爱的人报仇,只能在镜头前摆着战斗的样子,宣扬战争。更多人的死亡,从一个悲痛的事情变成了战争中鼓励斗志的插曲。Katniss脱离了13区的控制,独自走上了谋杀capital president 的道路。朋友,战友一个个为了她,为了一个想象中的美好未来而牺牲。在最后,katniss终于来到了capital的总统府,就发现总统府门口布满了由于战争无家可归的孩子,反政府组织此时也赶到,无谓的屠杀之中,反政府派来了救援组织,而katniss的妹妹也在其中。一颗炸弹从空中抛下,战争以反对派攻入总统府而结束。
  故事便以此结局,反对派获得政权,katniss的妹妹和其他儿童一起被炸死,hunger game从以13区的人民为选手变成了以capital 人民为选手以作为对傀儡的惩罚,一个暴力政权的推翻预示着另一个暴力政权的开始。在capital president 被处死的那天,katniss 杀死了反动派的领导者coin. 她的行为只是为了死去的妹妹报仇,并且大声告诉这世界,单纯善良只有被屠宰的命运。

glasst 发表于 2013-8-7 14:54:12

  作者完全失去了在两步书中对人物的掌握,对故事情节的掌控,非常象在Harry potter的第5、6部里的Potter一样(第7部回复了一些水准),在大量的心理活动的描写中,主人公就象是神经病,一直在不同的性格里来回摇摆,就像是一个以自我为中心的精神不稳定者。
  比如,主人公参加Hunger Games是为了妹妹Prim,但是在整个3本书里,很少有多少描述她和Prim之间的关系,特别是后两本书除了找猫一小段,几乎没有。
  我开始看这本书是因为我喜欢NBA,看到报道里说LBJ看Hunger Games给自己比赛解压,现在看起来LBJ的知识水准也不过......

sherry 发表于 2013-8-12 10:52:39

  I meant to finish reading the trilogy in a short time, then forget about it and prepare for the three exams. But the truth is, I have not been able to stop thinking about it, not a single day, and it's been more than ten days now. I couldn't help but spending as much as I could afford to buy a few tokens, though it was never part of the plan to spend any money on this.
  I look back on last month with content. It was the first birthday month I ever went through together with Jim, and it was so full and colorful. Reading the three books had a lot to do with that. I was so completely absorbed into the world that I did't care about anything else at all. Sometimes it got rather tough because I would become very crabby and ill-tempered when I was so eager to finish the book and my constant consult to the dictionary made me so slow. Yet I was still thankful that the language was much simpler than One Day, and most sentences was pretty easy to understand. However, those books somehow had a magical, magnetic, supernatural power and I was hopelessly drawn to them like a moth to a flame. I couldn't eat or sleep well, and my body even gave me a few signs of warning. Those unforgettable days, reading the books, I was satisfactory and miserable at the same time.
  I love Peeta. He has probably become one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. I've always been a total sucker for blond hair and blue eyes, I love a baker, never being any good with words myself, I love a smooth-talking guy. And there's so much more. His crazy-long eyelashes, his strong arms, his warmth, his gentleness, his kindness, his braveness, the goodness of his heart, his soothing "dandelion" nature, his undying, all-consuming love for Katniss, his undoubted willingness of ultimate sacrifice for her... I just love everything about "the boy with the bread". He has just about everything I want in a guy I wanna spend the rest of my life with.
  On the contrary, I've never liked Gale. In fact, I think I even hated him from time to time. A strange way to feel about the leading lady's best friend. Guess he's just not my type, that's all.
  Although romance was not what the author was focusing on in the series, it was the one angle that I took the most interest in, because I loved Peeta so much. But I never dreamed that Katniss could ever end up with him. Even though she did show some loving feelings towards him, I always deemed that she loved Gale much, much more. And after Gale was whipped, she imagined herself to be in his place and came to the conclusion that he was hers and she was his, I thought to myself, well, that's it. Peeta has to die. There's no other possible ending for him. So when I was reaching the end of the second book, when Peeta showed Katniss the pictures inside his locket, I could nearly hear the sound of my heart breaking. I had to literally clench my chest to steady it. I would have to say it was the most gut-wrenching moment for me in the trilogy. Most bitter-sweet moment. My favorite moment.
  I've always hated any kind of spoilers. But after Peeta turned out to be hijacked and I can't think of any bright future for him, I just couldn't bear it any more. I had to fund out what happened to him in the end. So I quickly flipped though hundreds of pages and reached the epilogue. Then I read about the two children and the sentence "but Peeta wanted them so badly", I almost couldn't believe my own eyes. After that, I let myself stop hurrying and indulge in wonderment and happiness for a long while.
  Readers' opinions differ on the ending. Whether it was a happy one or not. I think it was okay. I no longer obsess over perfect endings like I used to--and I attribute that to growing up--so I think that though Peeta has changed a great deal, he still remains the boy with the bread and the dandelion in the spring, full of hope and life; though he is no longer as perfect as he was, everything I love about him is still there. And I believe he and Katniss can and will make each other happy. There will also be hard times, of course, but isn't bitterness an essential part of every life?
  I didn't want to become so addicted to The Hunger Games. I only began reading it because of Taylor. I only intended to read the first one to get ready for watching the upcoming movie. But once I started this journey, there was no turning back. I just traveled faster and faster, further and further into this wondrous imaginary land. I just fell in love with the books without even the slightest bit of effort.
  That's why after an extremely bad day yesterday, I allowed myself to be immersed in that fantasy again, until 5 o'clock in the morning. Although I must get up at 7:20. I told myself that I've earned it. That I deserved a few hours of bliss after the hell I'd been through.

roy 发表于 2013-8-16 06:59:48

  Book III is a fragmented end of this trilogy. Suzanne tries to piece together too many things. On the one hand, she tries to make Katniss a heroine in leading the uprising; on the other hand, Kaniss is a pawn of politics. This is a good setting, good for its proximity to real lives. In order to make it, Suzzane tries to expose how Katniss thinks about everything. This is also a good method. However, I feel very uncomfortable about her thoughts. It makes me feel either she or others are mentally disordered. Especially her distrust to almost everyone around her makes me feel unreasonable when so many people have made sacrifices for her survival. Probably, it's because I have never been in her position, and thus I find hard to have sympathy with her thoughts. But either way, I don't think Mockingjay is a good end of the trilogy.

Fluori 发表于 2013-8-17 15:33:24

  一代Katniss 是个勇敢又有爱心的女孩,虽然有时候比较冷漠又不会讨好人,但总归是一个懂得关心他人的好姑娘。
  二代的Katniss 虽然时不时的反复无常,今天喜欢这个,明天可以为了那个去死,但多少还是个勇敢的战士,为了生存,为了跟首都对抗,不停的奋斗着。
  我只举一个例子:皮塔被首都折磨洗脑之后,Katniss得知第一反应不是皮塔的痛苦不是他的安危,而是”他不再爱我了?!我该怎么办?!” 因为她神经崩溃,别人冒险去救人(不知道死了多少)。皮塔充满痛苦的康复过程,她没有陪在旁边,没有帮忙出谋划策,她一个人跑到第二区指点江山去了。这个故事里充满了这样的情节,别人为了她受伤,她首先想到自己,我我我我我。。。。通篇都是“我的痛苦,我的悲哀,我被人欺负,我不要干这个,我不要干那个,你们大家都对不起我,我恨你们所有人!”
  最令人无法忍受的是,就是这么一个自私到极点的疯女人,她可以随便发飙伤害这个,指责那个,上来就大骂一通,要么就干脆不理人。她做的所有选择,都是以她自己的幸福自己的心情自己的利益出发,完全不顾及他人的想法,更不要说“以大局为重”。她觉得全世界都欠着她,她怎么胡闹都有理。结果,旁边人一个个也都是觉得“Katniss 怎么胡闹都有理!” 一大票人前赴后继的冲上来毫无理由不求回报的支持她保护她爱她宠她,容忍她各种发飙,原谅她各种捣乱,玛丽苏写到这个地步,简直是令人发指。
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